
Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Post 3004.....I just checked and counted... my posts in all my blogs.. it is now coming to a total of 9000 plus posts and articles... the spiritual blog itself have 2293 posts, all from divine sources, not written by me...

There are many health blogs.. find out yourself...

One is a collection of videos and clips called seeing is believing... a collection of health, beauty, business and motivations...

The spiritual blog is a collection of life messages from God from a divine source.

There are 2 business blogs..  supermarket at your fingertips and think and be successful..

There is one on Nutrilite, another on Espring water filter..

There are several travel blogs.. to Japan, Alaska, Dubai.. Rome...

There is one nice blog on home education, how I bring up my 5 kids and my homework for them to refer to...

There is one Chinese blog which is called Team 101, complied by my team leader, Joseph Ting.  It is a business Amway blog.

There is another Chinese blog, called CA HQ blog...  It is about CA Associates activities and posted by CA people.  The mentor in charge of this CA Associates is non other than our beloved leader, Crown Ambassador Khoo Chong Kok.

This CA headquarter is based on KL with thousands of its affiliates all over the world, something all of us are proud of, and all under our capable crown ambassador Mr Khoo. 

And some more to come...

Just in case that I touched on some sensitive points or articles, just know that it is never my intention to hurt anyone... like I used to tell many people, delete what you think is not healthy for us... in all 4 dimensions of health..

Thank you for reading... 

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