
Saturday, May 12, 2012

Who is this health mentor? Check out his character

- must have all the correct answers to all health problems and that it works
- must be fit and healthy in person with beautiful health reports
- must know and be updated with health care, health prevention, health knowledge 
- must be experienced with good referrals 

- you can't possibly find any negatives
- you feel drawn to his or her wisdom in speech and action
- never proud or with ego

- having full control over all negative emotions
- can adapt to situations harsh or good
- agreeable, tolerance, forbearance, good practices 

- must be self-realized
- must be an enlightened soul

Just one guideline.. 
Love is his life, love is his teachings, love is in his every thoughts, actions and he has love for every living things on this planet earth.  Love here do not refer to attachments, it is just pure godly love...

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