
Saturday, May 5, 2012

Why do we emphasize of not eating too much fried foods especially of fish or meats? read..

Most meats or fish have fats on their skins.  When deep fried or over fried, the fats inside the skin is altered.  Fats is the most unstable here.  When fats is being fried in hot oil, the instability causes it to change.  The bad news of it is that altered fats are cancerous.

It also applies to barbecued meats..  the fats again are altered with excessive high heats...  think twice before eating.. maybe just a little, but it still depends on our body system.. how much it can tackle cancerous attack.  If we have enough anti-cancer ability n us, nothing will happen...

But then, we always over eat.. most of us, eat them daily.. so how come our body not complain?

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