
Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Do not despair! what is required is your persistent effort!

A boat may be a small appliance,
but it can take you across the river. 
A lamp may be a tiny device,
but it can light your path across a jungle. 

A torch may illumine only a distance of two yards,
and you may have to go two miles. 

Do not despair. 
What is required is your persistent effort! 
Hold the torch in your hand and walk on.
With every step, the torch will illumine 
a few steps more and you can safely cross the two miles.

But you must walk, without sitting idle by the roadside. 
Make the effort, move from one stage to another listening to God's Glory, 
recapitulate His sweet messages and concentrate on Him.

Let your every act be saturated with devotion.
Devotion should not be something that adds spice to your life –
it truly must be the very breath of your life. 
Devotion should inspire your every act, thought and word...

from a divine source

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