
Tuesday, August 14, 2012

In the same way... modern technology has very much improved.. so DARE YOU TO LIVE 100 HEALTHY AND FIT is no problem.. now we have all the food supplements, the knowledge of HOW and WHAT... and all known safe prevention and proven to work exercise... it is now totally your own choice.. TO BE OR NOT TO BE..

Now, we have all the food herbs, like ginger..
Now, we have all the wonder herbs, like ginseng..
Now, we have all the miraculous discovery, like resveratrol...
Now, we have all the effective probiotics, nutribifidus...

Now, we have all the skills, knowledge..
Now, we have the professionals, 
now even more professional...
Now, we have all the easiest touch, the net..

What else, what more do you want?
What then, what can we ask for more?
Who is this person who said 'no' to health prevention?
Who is this person who turned down on health improvements?

It can be you...him.. her.. or the one nearby..
Life is always about picking and doing what one wants..
No one wants to be ordered around or forced to be..
It's still ok.. you still have all the choices.. but remember...

Prevention is better than cure..
Prevention is more cheaper than cure...
Prevention is much safer than cure..
Prevention is much clever than facing pills and bills..

GO FOR A U-TURN if there is a need..

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