
Thursday, August 23, 2012

Who is near to God?

Who is near to God? 
The one who follows God's commands 
and manifests Divine attributes. 

The secret is to have full faith in God; 
then one is a true human. 
The word for man is "manaci" (ma-na-ci).
 Man is the embodiment of Love.
If we reverse the syllables in manaci, 
it becomes "ci- na- ma." 

Today's man is a cinema man; 
he is artificial and lacks compassion. 
But if he would follow the commands of God, 
everything else would follow.
Though you have gold (God), 
from which you can make any type 
of jewellery (receive any Grace), you pray, 
"I want Bliss, Grace and Love." 

But all of these are ignorant utterances.
The correct goal is in the prayer,
"God, I want You." Everything is nothing without God. 
Everything material in the world is really nothing. 
Listening and experiencing this 
Truth is true Happiness and Love.

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