
Tuesday, September 11, 2012

911 was destructive, it also marks my birth-date.This very day, am here for constructive purposes.. to enrich, to empower, to enlighten, to rebuild, to reprogram, to upgrade the populace through my 101EDUCARE PEOPLE AND PROGRAMS...

We are not going to look back on 911..
which was headed by destructive forces..
But looking forward future September the eleventh..
that are plentiful and headed by constructive forces..

It is not today that am writing my blogs..
It is not a day or a month's work..
It has been here for years..
It has been accumulating all my life's experiences..

No one is an island..
No one is perfect in his own..
Thus this mission and vision..
to gather the greater people, the populace..
in this missionary, to empower, to upgrade,
to care, to teach, to duplicate, to build up, to give hands..
to add values to everyone who cares about themselves..

This very day, am committed into this mission..
the mission and the missionary are one..
in mind, in heart and in spirit..
to give, to enhance, to enlarge, to empower..
whosoever feels the need to work as a team..
just anywhere in this planet earth..  
it is a calling to join hands, minds and spirit...
to make this planet earth a better place for us all..

No differences in culture nor beliefs..
No differences in age, in color or background..
No differences at all.. because we are all homo sapiens..
because it is DIFFERENCES that is going to DIVIDE all..
Do away DIFFERENCES, do away racism, do away prejudice,
rid ego, rid pride, rid selfishness, rid ignorance..
All of us are different, but these differences are not to DIVIDE..
We are all in all, a human race for betterment..
thus attaining health in all dimensions... and much happier too..

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