
Thursday, October 25, 2012

How to create and tap good aura that shows stability, peace, love and high energies...

  • Surround yourself with people who are positive. Spend more time with people who can make us feel energized or comfortable, mix with those who can make us feel good even after we have left.
  • Do a lot of kindness for others. Sincere and kind people who are happy and healthy have a natural glow about them that is unmistakable.
  • Our aura can be weakened by negative habits, lack of rest, lack of exercise, lack of fresh air, stress, poor diet, drugs, alcohol, tobacco and improper psychic activity. To strengthen your aura, then you should meditate, go and have plenty of physical exercise, and cleanse the bowels to remove toxins.
  • Certain music and fragrance can also be very helpful in strengthening our aura. Flower petals, blooms and blossoms can be used to create an atomizer spray for aura cleansing. Some fragrant flowers such as honeysuckle, rose, jasmine, orange blossom or almond blossom are placed in spring water overnight for aura cleansing.
  • Smudge the area surrounding your body with smoke from lavender, sage, sweet grass, or other smudging herbs. Inhale the smoke through your mouth and nose, holding it for about 10 to 30 seconds. You can also soak or immerse your body in an Epsom salt bath.
  • Essential oils such as Cinnamon, Juniper, Diktamos and Cypress can also be useful. Use a few drops on the finger tips and apply to your back of the neck, wrists and inner ankles. You can use this essential oils in an oil burner so that you can inhale the aroma.
  • Of course, the element of water is an obvious aura cleanser. Many people stand under a shower or walk in the rainfall in order to cleanse their aura. Sea breezes or ocean winds are especially beneficial as it contains salt, moisture and minerals.

    Some people also run playfully and freely in the wind to do that. The wind or element of air can help you release unwanted energies.
  • Hugging a mature and deep rooted tree (element of earth) can also be done to do the cleansing. Or if you like, you can get help from fire element to cleanse your aura - Gentle exposure to sunlight will stimulate the flow of your energy.

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