
Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Let's come back to sky fruit.. from my several interviews with the local folks, I came to know that this sky fruit is great and effective..

[1] A taxi driver who had stroke took sky fruit twice a day, each time only one seed for one month.  He is now back to work, aged approximate 45..

[2] A lady whose blood sugar was high, took only one seed a day, her blood sugar came back to normal.  She took it for a few months and stopped.  She said it is so much better than medicines because she felt the allergic negative effects on her when she started taking prescribed medicines for her blood sugar.  She is 65 now and she said if her blood sugar comes back, she will eat again.  She is small built.

[3] A friend's father is taking sky fruit after stroke.. his condition is improving..  

[4] There is a middle-aged lady whom I know, when I gave her sky fruit, her energy levels improved greatly.  Before taking, she must need afternoon sleep.  Now she need not spend her time sleeping or resting that much, yet she is fully energetic...

[5] A middle-aged man had his sexual appetite improved.

[6] A middle-aged man who also used to sleep too much, cannot concentrate on his work now is so much better..

I will continue to write some more life experiences on sky fruit..  
To me, this sky fruit is much better and cheaper than medicines...  
God provides.. God never ask us to pay dearly for cures..
God put these great seeds everywhere.. 
He sprinkled these seeds from heaven to those who need them... 
Cheers!  We are so thankful and grateful...
For me, I took them too, I feel so much energetic and healthy...

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