
Thursday, December 13, 2012

Part 4.. sky fruit.. helps stomach ulcer..

[13]  A middle aged man took sky fruit for several weeks.. he found his stomach ulcer and pain disappeared and he recovered...  

how he took sky fruit...  He opened up the fresh seeds, getting the whitish part and dry them.. then he have them blended into fine powder..  Later be put into capsules and to be taken once one capsule a day.. sounds easy and safe, right:?  fresh too... most important of all, sky fruit is so much helpful...  

One week slimming diet with 7 different colored fruits..

周5 紅色:番茄,消除便秘,促進新陳代謝;

Today is a very special date.. 12 of 12 of 2012.... and soon 12.12 noon...

One important message from me...







Part 3.. back to sky fruit...Here are some more result from people that I gave them sky fruits...

[10]  A young man around his thirties took sky fruit the day I hand it over to him.  His right hand sometimes feel numb.  Ever since then, the numbness has disappeared... 

[11]  Another young man reported saying that he feel less stressed after taking the sky fruits...  He feels that sky fruit helps him manage his stress so much better than without.

[12]  One middle aged man said, instead of 5 times waking in the night to urinate, it lessened his routine to half.. Indeed they feel so grateful to know this helpfulness of sky fruit.

Read and know more about coconut oil..

Coconut Oil Benefits: When Fat Is Good For You

Did you know that multiple studies on Pacific Island populations who get 30-60 percent of their total caloric intake from fully saturated coconut oil have all shown nearly non-existent rates of cardiovascular disease?

... The fact is, all saturated fats are not created equal.

The operative word here is "created," because some saturated fats occur naturally, while other fats are artificially manipulated into a saturated state through the man-made process called hydrogenation.

Hydrogenation manipulates vegetable and seed oils by adding hydrogen atoms while heating the oil, producing a rancid, thickened substance that really only benefits processed food shelf life and corporate profits -- just about all experts now agree, hydrogenation does nothing good for your health.

These manipulated saturated fats are also called trans-fats -- and you should avoid them like the plague. But if one form of saturated fat is bad for you, does that mean all saturated fat is bad for you?

Absolutely not!

The Tropics' Best Kept Secret

The truth about coconut oil is obvious to anyone who has studied the health of those who live in native tropical cultures, where coconut has been a primary dietary staple for thousands of years.

Back in the 1930s, Dr. Weston Price found South Pacific Islanders whose diets were high in coconut to be healthy and trim, despite high dietary fat, and heart disease was virtually non-existent. Similarly, in 1981, researchers studying two Polynesian communities for whom coconut was the primary caloric energy source found them to have excellent cardiovascular health and fitness. (2)

Where were all the clogged arteries and heart attacks from eating all of this "evil" saturated fat?

Obviously, coconut oil was doing nothing to harm the health of these islanders.

It may be surprising for you to learn that the naturally occurring saturated fat in coconut oil is actually good for you and provides a number of profound health benefits, such as:

• Improving your heart health.(3)
• Boosting your thyroid. (4)
• Increasing your metabolism.
• Promoting a lean body and weight loss if needed.
• Supporting your immune system. (5)

Coconut oil even benefits your skin when applied topically and has been found to have anti-aging, regenerative effects.

So, what are coconut oil's secrets to success?

How Coconut Oil Works Wonders in Your Body

Nearly 50 percent of the fat in coconut oil is of a type rarely found in nature called lauric acid, a "miracle" compound because of its unique health promoting properties. Your body converts lauric acid into monolaurin, which has anti-viral, anti-bacterial and anti-protozoa properties. (6)

Coconut oil is also nature's richest source of medium-chain fatty acids (MCFAs), also called medium-chain triglycerides or MCTs. By contrast, most common vegetable or seed oils are comprised of long chain fatty acids (LCFAs), also known as long-chain triglycerides or LCTs.

LCTs are large molecules, so they are difficult for your body to break down and are predominantly stored as fat.

But MCTs (7) , being smaller, are easily digested and immediately burned by your liver for energy -- like carbohydrates, but without the insulin spike. MCTs actually boost your metabolism and help your body use fat for energy, as opposed to storing it, so it can actually help you become leaner.

Back in the 1940s, farmers discovered this effect accidentally when they tried using inexpensive coconut oil to fatten their livestock.

It didn't work!

Instead, coconut oil made the animals lean, active and hungry.

Coconut oil has actually been shown to help optimize body weight, which can dramatically reduce your risk of developing Type 2 diabetes (8). Besides weight loss, boosting your metabolic rate will improve your energy, accelerate healing and improve your overall immune function.

And several studies have now shown that MCTs can enhance physical or athletic performance.(9)

And finally, as we have already discussed, coconut oil is incedibly good for your heart. The truth is this: it is unsaturated fats that are primarily involved in heart disease and too much sugar and processed foods, not the naturally occurring saturated fats, as you have been led to believe. (10)

Coconut Oil in Your Kitchen

Personally, I use only two oils in my food preparation.

The first, extra-virgin olive oil is the best monounsaturated fat and works great as a salad dressing. However, olive oil should not be used for cooking. Due to its chemical structure, heat makes olive oil susceptible to oxidative damage. So for cooking, I use coconut oil exclusively.

And polyunsaturated fats, which include common vegetable oils such as corn, soy, safflower, sunflower and canola, are absolutely the worst oils to cook with.


Three primary reasons:

1) Cooking your food in omega-6 vegetable oils produces a variety of very toxic chemicals, as well as forming trans-fats. Frying destroys the antioxidants in oil, actually oxidizing the oil, which causes even worse problems for your body than trans-fats.

2) Most vegetable oils are GM (genetically modified), including more than 90 percent of soy, corn and canola oils.

3) Vegetable oils contribute to the overabundance of damaged omega-6 fats in your diet, throwing offyour omega-6 to omega-3 ratio. Nearly everyone in Western society consumes far too many omega-6 fats -- about 100 times more than a century ago -- and insufficient omega 3 fats, which contributes to numerous chronic degenerative diseases.

There is only one oil that is stable enough to withstand the heat of cooking, and that's coconut oil. So, do yourself a favor and ditch all those "healthy oil wannabes," and replace them with a large jar of fresh, organic, heart-supporting coconut oil.

(source: Dr. Joseph Mercola)

Reading health from our tongues...

Tongue Diagnosis

Tongue diagnosis has been an actual diagnostic tool for centuries in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Many people in their middle ages and senior years actually can remember going to the doctor and the first thing they asked you was to stick out your tongue.

Chinese medicine also uses the principles of Yin and Yang, two of the body's forms of life energies. Keeping these two in bal
ance is also part of the daily therapeutic principles.

Everyone's life energies ebb and flow back and forth depending on the multitudes of forces which we are bombarded with on a continuous basis. Your diet, exercise, stress levels, work environment, your physical health and even the choices you make each day during the daily circumstances all vary the balance of emotions, health and well-being on a minute by minute basis. Keeping a good balance therefore through your daily environment yields proper health.

How To Utilize Tongue Diagnosis
No two tongues in this whole world are exactly alike. Your own changes daily also as circumstances arise which dictates a change in your body's perceptions. The size, shape, color, moisture level and the texture will show a continuous change as different events unfold in your life each day.

A perfect tongue is smooth in texture, it fits comfortably in your mouth between your teeth. It is not too thick or too thin, should have a pretty pink color with a thin white transparent coating.

This description means you are in perfect health. All variations from this means you are having some kind of reaction. Reading and understanding these signs is the art of tongue diagnosis.

Follow the chart below to see some of the common characteristics of a tongue in varying degrees of poor health. Most of these can be deciphered right from your own home.

-Tongue Appearance-:
Too thick with scalloped edges

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
Lethargy, feeling of heaviness in limbs, lack of motivation

-What It Means-:
flow of fluids in body off-balanced

-What You Can Do-:
Cut down on dairy products and sugar.Eat more of the following: beef and chicken(proteins),fruits such as coconut, figs grapes, cherries and dates
vegetables such as shitake mushrooms, potatoes, squash and sweet potatoes
lentils and rice for grains
the herb ginseng

-Tongue Appearance-:
Tongue appears too wet

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
excessive perspiration and phlegm

-What It Means-:
inbalance of fluids such as too much phlegm or water in the body

-What You Can Do-:
Eat more foods which will help you dry the excess fluids:
barley and rye for grains
proteins such as aduki beans, kidney beans, mackerel and sardines
vegetables include corn, mushrooms, celery, onions, turnips, pumpkin, lettuce, radishes, watercress and seaweed
lemons and plums for fruits
herbs to include pepper, garlic and horseradish

-Tongue Appearance-:
Tongue is too thin and very dry

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
insomnia, dry skin, constipation and stress

-What It Means-:
dehydrated, body feels over-taxed

-What You Can Do-:
Reduce caffeinated products, get more rest. Increase your intake of water. Eat more root vegetables, asparagus and seafood.

-Tongue Appearance-:
Blue/purple areas on tongue

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
stress, sedentary lifestyle

-What It Means-:
Liver problems, your blood and energy are not flowing properly

-What You Can Do-:
Get moving and stretching everyday. Eat more foods that help promote the movement of qi. Crab for protein
onions, chili peppers, radishes, scallions and carrots for vegetables
herbs and spices include mint, safflower oil, basil, cloves, garlic, cayenne, coriander, marjoram and dill

-Tongue Appearance-:
Tongue too pale/ orange color

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
fatigue, frequent illness

-What It Means-:
blood deficiencies, anemia

-What You Can Do-:
Eat foods that build your blood and maximize its function: lamb, red meats, sardines, oysters, eggs, kidney beans and liver
add grapes, apricots, dates and figs
green leafy vegetables and spinach

-Tongue Appearance-:
Tongue is swollen and pale

-Accompanying Symptoms-:
you always feel cold, back aches and knee discomfort

-What It Means-:
excess of yang

-What You Can Do-:
Eat more warming food to increase your yang:
proteins like lamb, lobster and shrimp
raspberries for fruit
walnuts and pistachios
herbs and spices such as basil, chives, dill, garlic, cinnamon, ginger and cloves

-Tongue Appearance-:
no coating or a yellowish coating on tongue

-Tongue Appearance-:
Recent illness, smoking

-What It Means-:
too much heat in the body, possible infection, too much coffee, not enough rest. A tongue with no coat or a yellowish coat designates a yin deficiency.

-What You Can Do-:
Stop smoking. Cut back on caffeine. Eliminate artificial sugar substitutes. Eat cooling foods that nourish your yin:
vegetables like spinach, asparagus and lettuce
fruits like bananas, grapefruit, lemons and watermelon
protein from seafood and egg whites

Many times to obtain a better tongue diagnosis, a change in diet, sleep habits, exercise or dropping a few bad habits (alcohol, drugs and smoking) can lead to a dramatic increase in general health within just a couple of weeks.

But if you are worried about the look or feel of your tongue diagnosis, make an appointment with an experienced practitioner for a more in-depth and detailed report.

Giving a professional the opportunity to check and treat can often lead to better health rewards in your own life.


Read Dr Tim's report... I agree so much... Thanks to him too, these health awareness serves as a reminder and knowledge filled with humanity and love.. He cares.. and what we should do is 'we should care even more'... take things serious... especially health issues.. live not to regret.. it is our body, our pain our health, not others.. let not they have the chance to aim for your pockets...

Dr. Tim O'Shea in TO THE CANCER PATIENT: “Most cancers are not found until autopsy. That's because they never caused any symptoms. For example 30 - 40 times as many cases of thyroid, pancreatic, and prostate cancer are found in autopsy than ever presented to the doctor. According to a study cited in top British medical journal Lancet 13 Feb 93,
early screening often leads to unnecessary treatment: 33% of autopsies show prostate cancer but only 1% die from it. After age 75, half of males may have prostate cancer, but only 2% die from it. This means simply that the immune system can hold many problems in check, as long as it is not compromised by powerful procedures. ... A 1992 study in Journal of the American Medical Association of 223 patients concluded that no treatment at all for prostate cancer actually was better than any standard chemotherapy, radiation or surgical procedure. (Johansson)”.

A very poignant example of what this type of “overdiagnosing” can lead to in a case of “breast cancer” is furnished by L. P. whose report details the shock, trauma & disfigurement she experienced after a mammogram revealed a tiny anomaly in her left breast. Clearly, in her case (as I feel in many or possibly most other cases of official cancer diagnosis) doing “nothing” but upgrading one’s diet (which is actually frequently of central importance, not just re cancer but for overall physical and mental health recovery and/or maintenance) and generally improving one’s life and lifestyle on all levels (emotional, spiritual, environmental etc.) would have been immeasurably more beneficent, and probably led to true healing, i.e. healing at the causative level.

Indeed, one thing often forgotten is that everyone apparently "has" cancer, i.e. there are some maverick cells created all the time in most/all people’s bodies. These are officially diagnosed and labelled as cancer of course only after reaching a certain mass and when people have themselves "checked" (either because they are admonished to do so as the responsible thing to do via various "public health" announcements or because they observe symptoms of ill health in themselves). But frequently it seems what eventually kills people is not the cancer but rather the combined effect of the diagnosis (felt like a death sentence with the corresponding trauma and fear of dying, both negative emotional states which suppress the immune system) and the treatment they allow themselves to receive (invasive surgery/biopsies leading to spreading plus toxic chemotherapy and radiation, all of which possibly entail serious side effects). (


We're constantly being hit with media stories about "progress" in the war on cancer and new "breakthrough" drugs and procedures being "right around the corner." The military rhetoric hasn't changed since 1971. Is it true that we're winning the war against cancer like they're always telling us?

From the U.S. government's own statistical abstracts we find the real story:

Mortality from Cancer in the U.S.
year deaths/ 100,000
1967 157.2
1970 162.9
1982 187.3
1987 198.2
1988 198.4
1989 201.0
1990 203.2
1991 204.1
1992 204.1

source: Vital Statistics of the United States, vol.II 1967-1992

1992 is the last year for which data is currently available from Vital Statistics. There is nothing to indicate that there should be any downturn between 1992 and the present. In fact, independent analysis by the CA Journal for Cancer Clinicians, Jan 97, put the 1993 death rate at 220 per 100,000. Does that sound like progress?

Why does nobody know this? Bet you never saw this chart before.

Numbers can be twisted and made to do tricks. This chart is the raw data, not age adjusted or divided by race, or type of cancer. Anyone can dig this information up by going to any library reference section. But try finding a medical reference or journal article or a URL that uses this chart. Try finding a newspaper or magazine article in the last 15 years that uses the raw data. And this data says one thing: more people are dying of cancer now per capita than ever before, and nothing is slowing the increase. Not early detection, not better screenings, not new high tech machines, not radiation, not surgery, and definitely not chemotherapy.

Backtracking a little, in 1900 cancer was practically unheard of in this country. By 1950, there were about 150 cases of cancer per 100,000 population. In 1971, Nixon introduced the War on Cancer, opening the floodgates of massive research funding backed by the government. This situation escalated until by the 1980s, over $50 billion per year was being spent to "find the cure." And yet we have the plain data in the chart above. What is going on?

Industry. Politics. Big money. Health care. Buying and selling. You know - life. More people living off cancer than ever died from it, and that's saying quite a lot since by the 1990s the amount spent for cancer research and treatment had jumped to $80 billion annually. But by this time more than 500,000 deaths per year in the U.S. were attributable to cancer, now second only to heart disease on the list of killer diseases. All this money has not improved the overall chances of survival from cancer even slightly.

Many cancer patients feel they're just a mark, a number, an insurance account. The goal of every visit seems to be running up the bill, not improving their overall health.

The American Cancer Society, for example, collects upwards of $400 million per year. Very little of this money ever finds its way to research. The majority of the money goes into investments and towards administration - lavish salaries and perqs for the Society's officers and employees. A funny thing is that written into the charter of the American Cancer Society is the clause that states that if a cure for cancer is ever found, on that day, the Society will disband. (The Cancer Industry) So think about it - is this an organization that is going to be motivated to find a cure for cancer?

This is the underlying reality, but what do we hear on the surface, coming at us every day from the scripted "reporting" of TV and news publications, or from the lips of the oncologists making their reassuring pronouncements on the outlook for our loved ones' chances of survival? We're "making progress." "Early detection" is giving us a much better chance of "getting it all" by means of immediate surgery or by chemotherapy and radiation. Then after surgery they tell us we need to do chemo to put "the icing on the cake." Frightened to death, and having nowhere else to turn, people have bought this company line for years and years. As a result, they have been dying on schedule. But then, why would people be told the truth? The goal of big money is big money. Finding a cure? Why on earth would anyone want to do that?

But there's a limit to everything, even with the stranglehold on information that is permitted to reach the purview of the general public. More and more of us have watched our parents or our friends die wretched deaths, as all the 'big guns' were pompously wheeled out, with the hospital happily billing the insurance until coverage runs out. And some of us are saying Wait a minute, this isn't about money - this is about my life. And people are deciding to take their chances without standard slash-and-burn protocols, either by just staying home and doing nothing, or else by experimentation with alternative therapies, which have always been there all these years, just below the surface.

Considering chemotherapy? Consider this:

"chemotherapy is basically ineffective in the vast of majority of cases in which it is given"
- Ralph Moss, PhD p81

"Cancer researchers, medical journals, and the popular media all have contributed to a situation in which many people with common malignancies are being treated with drugs not known to be effective."
- Dr. Martin Shapiro UCLA

"despite widespread use of chemotherapies, breast cancer mortality has not changed in the last 70 years"
- Thomas Dao, MD NEJM Mar 1975 292 p 707

"Many medical oncologists recommend chemotherapy for virtually any tumor, with a hopefulness undiscouraged by almost invariable failure."
- Albert Braverman MD 1991 Lancet 1991 337 p901
"Medical Oncology in the 90s"

"Most cancer patients in this country die of chemotherapy. Chemotherapy does not eliminate breast, colon, or lung cancers. This fact has been documented for over a decade, yet doctors still use chemotherapy for these tumors."
- Allen Levin, MD UCSF, The Healing of Cancer

Let's say you get cancer - in America it's 1 in 3. Your doctor says you need chemo and sends you to an office in the hospital. You have no symptoms yet, no pain, and you feel fine. But you're very frightened. You walk into the office and everyone else there is in obvious pain and most of them are dying. It's like a scene from a horror movie. Your first instinct is to run: I'm not like them! I'm alive! What am I doing here?

Then ask yourself this: in your entire life, how often have your true instincts been wrong?

Read more on THE SCARY SEVEN.. and there is another one .EARL MINDELL'S TERRIBLE 20.. they are more or less the same... check them out..


That is why when I go shopping in supermarket, the cart is still so empty when coming out.. just more vegetables and common commodities... Not being too selective but precise in knowing what we buy and what we cannot buy...  my girls will say... Mummy always like that.. look, my classmates are buying all those delicious stuff...  I said.. no no no.... I care for you all... trust me.. one day you will know... and eventually they will abide to me and said... ok, mummy is most wise... hahahaha....