
Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Thank You, God....

“Thank You, God, for the new me that is emerging – every day!"

I have the power to change the things about me that I truly desire to change. So in a quiet time away from the busyness of the day, I relax. I concentrate on me – not in a self-centered way, but in a Spirit-centered dedication of giving my time and attention to the presence of God within me.

I concentrate on doing a great work on mys
elf, not on trying to change the people around me. I know that it is up to each individual to work with God to change the things he or she wants to change.

So I focus on changing me. Instead of reacting with emotion to things that happen, I respond from the spiritual center within me. Thank God that a new me is emerging – a stronger, more faith-filled person.

“There is a new creation : everything old has passed away; see, everything has become new!
All this is from God, who… has given us the ministry of reconciliation.”
- 2 Corinthians 5:17-18

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