
Saturday, November 25, 2006

The danger of attachment... be detached....

"what have you done with my color pencils??? why is it so short? what happened? how dare you use mine while i am not at home??? do you know how precious it is to me?" I nearly screamed my head off.... feeling so heated and angry....

I looked with dismay at my box of color pencils. That was twelve years ago.... my daughters were still so small [4, 3, 2 years old].... and they have played with my box of pencil colors. I was furious when the box of color pencils I bought 20 years ago was totally wrecked! They shared the whole thing with their cousins who were at that time living together!

The three cousins were too quiet.... they were staring at me as if I was going to eat them up... I nearly kicked my daughters...but eventually took a ruler and beat them They went to the corner of the room and started crying.... sobbing in a way that my heart nearly broke! I was still trembling with anger at the loss of my precious box of pencil colors....

I came from a poor family.... How I loved drawing...and how I have saved the money to buy that expensive imported colored pencils. I could still remember vividly... it was a metal box that contained 48 different colors. Luna the brand. It was my treasure that I stored high up above my cupboard. For more than 10 years, I have kept the color pencils, 'sayang' to use it... Just barely trying out the colors....

Heart-broken and sad, I sat down and cried too.

Suddenly it dawned me that I have done a terrible thing... I was devastated, feeling so bad.. what have my daughters done to deserve such a beating? Aren't they more important than those color pencils? That isn't me! Where was my love for them? Why the sudden outburst of temper? I couldn't imagine why and how I can beat them? Luckily it was just a small ruler.

I regretted.... I quickly went to my daughters to console and comfort them. I told them that I never meant it...and it hurts me even more! Luckily their hands were just redden.... not bruised. Actually it was not them who sharpened and used the color pencils. I decided never to repeat that silly mistake. The next day, I took out the color pencils and gave them to my daughters. I felt at ease... and there was peace in my heart...

I learnt a valuable lesson.... yes, a great lesson. I came to know that one should not build such an attachment towards a thing or even a person! I shouldn't put so much emphasize or importance on such a 'temporary' thing. The sooner one realize how to detach, the sooner one feels the peace of mind. Nothing is ever permanent in this world.

Anything happens, happens for the good. Sometimes we learn in a hard way, but some never did learn anything.... From that incident, I was glad that I learnt the importance of being detached. I really understand the meaning and danger of attachment. I changed.

sometimes...we throw this question into a forum.... what will a mother do when her most valuable flask broke? Broken by her naughty son??? the normal response of a housewife would be............... you know it....

another question.... what will another mother do when her most valuable flask broke? the situation now is different.... she is rich! well.... she will pick up her son first and see whether he is hurt or not.......... right??

can you imagine your response if your most important thing is being wrecked by a somebody? will you be able to control your temper? well...... this is perhaps the most difficult remain calm...... easier said than done!

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