
Sunday, November 26, 2006

our parents.... 爱要趁早!

"your parent or mine?"

We have two pairs of parents; one belongs to our spouse whom we call them parents. The other is non-other then the one who bear and rear us. I always remind people about that! To love our parents must come naturally deep from within. To be filial is one of the commandments too. And never discriminate both parties. We call them daddy and mummy, but have we fulfilled the meaning of that 'word?' Many put a divider between her parents and my parents or his parents or my parents.... it is indeed a sad thing. Don't forget, one day you will also be somebody's parents.

"Ai FM used to emphasize: 'LOVE EARLY, DON'T WAIT!'

Our parents cannot wait, true, they are at an age where we cannot delay any seconds and minutes. 'Love early, don't wait!' is used to be broadcasted through radios for quite sometime recently. And I can feel the urgency of it. We cannot afford to lose them without telling or proving by actions how much we love them and how much we treasure their sacrifices.

Just after I bought my new car, I and my hubby took my parents to Kuching. They are still living in Sarikei, my hometown. We drove there and stayed at Crown Plaza Hotel. I put aside my kids and business just to be able to entertain them. And I just did that, to add smiles and happiness to their face. On our way, we talked and talked. I touched on issues to remind them of our love and dedications, to remind them of our gratefulness, to remind them that they are so very important in our lives. Loving them comes just so naturally.

Their health is also our concern, their happiness our responsibilities, their well-being, our motive. Their problems are our problems. Too many people have forsaken their parents, leaving them behind because they knew that their parents would always still love them even when neglected! You know what I mean. And these parents wept silent tears, hoping and wishing that their beloved children would just be around.

Parents love is unconditional, they cooked for us when we were young, now it is our turn to cook for them. This is just part of the story..... What about his parents? Well, we treat them the same too. We are committed to do so... and we are glad that both parents are now still living healthy and fit though they are quite of ripe age.

I used to make tonics for my parents too. My little boy used to ask me, "Mum, is that for grandmama and grandpapa? I said, 'yes.... will you also do that for me when I am old and useless? My boy will answer, 'Mama, I love you the most! I don't know whether I can remember, but you can remind me, right? But I know one thing, if I eat, you also can eat, if I have, you also have too!' He continued...."Mama, mama....can I taste it so that I can also cook the same for you?" mama....are you crying? don't cry............."

I never forget to provide all the food supplements to both of our parents. Their health is our responsibilities, their pain also ours.... to prevent is much better than cure. Both of our parents have been taking NUTRILITES for about 2 decades. This is concrete proof that the food supplements are safe to consume and it works too. Please refer to for details. And they have yet to be operated once! I am so glad for them..

That's why I always emphasize on having appropriate knowledge of proper health care. All of us have 24 hours, but some can't take out just half an hour to maintain health. We cannot totally rely our health on doctors. Believe me! To educate a man is to educate a person, to educate a woman is to educate a family! It is never too late to start now! I can live up to my words and to what I have contributed so far.


  1. Hi,
    Checkout Sarikei website at

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    Daniel Yiek

  2. a good blog, keep it up...
    enjoyed reading them..
