
Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Farewell to tiredness...the salty bath!

My sister came over to me and complained that she felt tired.... ok... I told her.... Come...I will show you the way to rid off your tiredness. Have a seat and wait for a while...

I prepared half a kg of coarse salt to mix into the bath tub, estimated the water temperature to be around 40 degrees Celsius. Got her a towel to scrub herself and another dry towel to dry herself.

I told her to cleanse herself first before wading into the bath tub and enjoy soaking inside the salty water for about 20 minutes. Switched on some music and told her to relax... Dry without rinsing.

She came out of the bathroom so much refreshed and no longer tired.


Salt-water is a natural disinfectant that kills bacteria and can be used as a form of body detoxification. It also helps in the exfoliation of dead cells. The new cells are then more vibrant, increasing its metabolism rate too. The bath tub will be soiled from the dead cells that one scrub while soaking herself. Soaking in salty water heals wounds faster. 'Ocassional soaking' in salty water heals some of the most difficult skin diseases.

I have tried and found that it works! A normal person is recommended to have a salt bath once a fortnight. It releases stress too!

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