
Thursday, November 23, 2006

My 2 in 1 pillow ..... special??

Lucy again? She is going to unfold a short story about the pillow.... wondering how many people have the gut to do what she did..................But it does make a difference.....tell you what....... get a scissor!!

She is here to tell you how to sleep proper at night.

One day, Mum caught me cutting out a hole from my pillow. I could still remember her fury when she saw the damaged pillow! Inside me I thought I wanted to try it out. You know the typical pillow, right? Well... I cut a hole that of the size of my know what I mean... estimate it from your head.... and sew up the pillow case.

I hate to sleep on my ears....just feeling that I am blocking my hearing and giving me the feeling of deafness. My stiff neck tire me when I sleep like ..on a slide! You might not realize it, but I just have this problem with me. A good sleep is what we need to start off another great day. A good sleep is the beginning of a great journey of tomorrow.

Pillows with special designs that can support our neck is more important than just a soft pillow. I prefer to go without a pillow instead of a hard typical one. I will choose something to support my neck instead of the whole head. Moreover, I don't want to be a hunchback! Proper 'placing' of our skeleton while sleeping is important! So that we can walk straight, stand straight...well it is beauty itself, right? That is me!

Invest in a good pillow instead. Some pillows are stuffed with soothing dried herbs. We spend one third of our life sleeping! Our bed will make a lot of difference!

Get one with a 2 in 1 function! Good enough to support our neck and protect our lymph system. Change and keep clean the pillow case often too!

I also have been travelling wide......sleeping in hotels, but I have yet to find a pillow of my dream. That means, 99% of the pillows are typical ones. There is always so much room for improvements, I guess....

hey there! have you ever come across these words? 'IF BETTER IS POSSIBLE, WHY REMAIN JUST GOOD?'

I am not being choosy or bossy or telling people what is wrong or what is right? I never meant that. But it is this thing that is bothering me...... am I really poking into people's life? Well... alright, it is all about sharing...... If it is for the better, so why not?

But some do told me that I am too headstrong with some of my ideas...... Friends out there, I hope one do understand that we have the right to choose and mature enough to know how to choose proper! I am still learning to master this art of blogging so that you wont fall asleep in the midst of my blog..... or you might already have my special pillow???

Our lymph system lies around our neck. Go to have a look about its functions from wikipedia. I call them the 'police station' whereby it helps to guard our immune system. Mind you, this is the first station.... to safeguard further attacks of bacteria and virus... that comes from the head area. The internal organs like the lungs and heart will be in a safer condition. Those nasty microbes love to eat ...... yummy yummy..... you know what... so our first defence system situates at our neck.

Sleeping proper without actually pressing on the lymph system will directly or indirectly affect our lymph system. Some feels it more than others. I am glad and excitedly myself for this newly found powerful tool of blogging so that I can share some of these good points. Our main purpose is to be healthy, our main purpose is to maintain health, one ought to earn our health, precious health, once lost is never the same.

HOw can we put back scrambled eggs into the eggshells? Like I used to say, we ourselves should be aware that we are 100% responsible for our own health.... before we can take care of others...

Learn some health tips, simple easy ones.... for yourself, for your family, for your friends and relatives... this world will be a so much a better place to live, and we are not barely surviving!

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