
Sunday, November 26, 2006

last night's opp. meeting... CoQ10?? do you take this?

The place we rented was a nice place. The air conditioning works just nice. A number of distributors have come and as usual, we were excited and glad to meet one another once again. I was the MC of the night. The programme was supposed to start in another 15 minutes.

There..... I saw her, let's call her Mary. I immediately asked her how her health condition is then. When she saw me, she gave me a nice wide smile and a warm handshake. She embraced me and told me that she is so much better. Oh, I was glad to hear that! Seemingly, she is now glowing with health, so I invited her to share her testimony when I called her in between. She nodded in agreement.

Mary just retired from her work and now is a member, sponsored by her son, Henry. She is also one of our distributors who has contributed much as a team. I can feel her joy when we gather, either in meetings or workshops.

When her time came to share she didn't hestitate at all. She feels nice to be sharing her experiences. She told the crowd that it was about a fortnight ago that she felt ill. She can hear her heartbeats pounding loudly and she was feeling unwell. Her finger tips and feet felt like being cut off of blood circulation. She was worried and told her son that she would want to see me. It just happened that we met at town and I in no time, took her pulse and read her.... haha
[using invisible eyes to see through her....just joking]

I told her that it is the problem of her heart. Take Nutrilite CoQ10, 2 tablets a day will do with 2 Cal-Mag, 2 B Complex for this specific problem. She obeyed. She shared with us that after taking 2 tablets of Co-Q10, her heartbeats returned to normal. The result was amazing, just after a few hours, her heartbeat becomes stabilized and was not pounding hard like before! Of course, she didn't forget to thank me in front of the crowd. I was glad for her indeed!

She was called up the second time to share about her icook, Amway's pot. well...tell you a secret...ha... I can cook well too... I did some demo on pizza using the Amway icook saucepan. Her kids love to eat home-made pizza... maybe next time... but I dare not cook too delicious in case my kids need to wear XXXL! I know how to bake nice delicious nutritious pizzas..... yummy yummy...true... but for health sake, we should exercise self-discipline in eating..

ok...back to her contribution. She told the crowd that the icook pan was so nice, not sticking and best of all, quick to cook and hygienic cooking. Wow...she said, the vegetables look so green and nutritious even after being cooked. At the same time, easy to wash and store. She bought a wok and this set of saucepan last month. She continued to say that when compared to other steel pans or woks, she loves icook the best. I am not adding or exaggerating her sharing, believe me. Again, she thanked me for teaching her how to make pizza using the multi-purpose saucepan. She was given a loud applause before leaving the stage.

"I emphasized... this business is all about sharing our daily experiences...anyone can do it since consuming is earning when we become a smart prosumer!"

That's it.... it is all about sharing and caring. This business is actually touching so many people's life that I wont find enough time and space to write so. And I am glad that we treasure each other like a big family.

do you know why a middle-aged[above 40] person needs to supplement CoQ10? It is because as we age, our body cannot produce anymore of this wonderful enzyme which is needed to produce energy..... you take, you have, you don't take, you are lacking!

our heart has been working for us non-stop for the number of years equal to our age! this is more like the fuel for our heart. a healthy person also can take it for preventive measures.... love your heart, it is such an impt pump! [不要让爱你的人担心你!]

if you are 40 and above, and think that your body can still produce CoQ10 as like youngsters or kids, try this.... do you have a 5 years old boy? active one? ok, try to mimic and do the exact movements and actions of what he did for the whole day....climb up the chairs, skip around, in and out of the room and see and feel for yourself..... you will be panting in no time while he is laughing at you........ got it?

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