
Sunday, November 26, 2006

honesty is the best policy

One of the stories was like this. Honesty is the best policy.

Once upon a time, there lived a baker who can bake good, delicious bread. He became famous for his bread, but soon he became greedy. He wanted to be richer. He decided to cut down the size of his bread so his bread become of smaller size but was sold at the same price.

He was the only baker. People need to eat his bread. Soon the people were not happy about his bread, saying that it was getting smaller in size. He denied saying that it was of the same weight. Soon, this news spread to the ruler of the country. This king was well-known for his wisdom. He was very much respected and loved by his subjects.

The king looked into the matter and decided to teach him a lesson. So one day, he called the baker. The baker thought that the king must have heard about his delicious bread and would like to reward him. He was very happy and met the king. The king interviewed him about the bread and told him that there were complains about the size of bread.

The king told him that he won't like his subjects to be cheating and making dishonest deals. He denied, so the king let him go hoping that the baker would realize his mistake.

Sad to say, the baker continued his dishonest business. Soon the king decided to punish him. He called the baker and ordered 200 loaves. The baker was supposed to send them to a special place….somewhere at the sea-side. There was a cliff and the king prepared a plank. Soon the dishonest baker came.

He was thinking that the king was there to reward him. Arriving there, the king asked him once more…. Is the weight of your bread equals to the actual weight written outside the plastic bag? It was written 300gms. The baker quickly said yes, still defying the fact that he was cheating.

The king asked the baker, what is your weight? The baker replied: 50 kg. He asked his subjects to count enough bread to put across the plank and asked him to sit on the other edge of the plank just like a jig-saw. One end hanging over the cliff. Do you think the baker would like to endanger his life?

Of course not, he knew he was tricked and he cried for mercy to be saved. But it was too late. He have to pay for his dishonesty. Well, he went over the cliff and into the mouth of a hungry shark. Hahaha – that I added into it….. thehungryshark…….

this is actually a story I have shared with one of my friend.... a special friend indeed..

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