
Thursday, November 23, 2006

Mrs. A..." my daughter complains of abdominal pain..."

Eating the right food....

I have always wanted to share with people about eating the right food. But it is never my habit to reveal a person's illness to the public and talk about it as if it is just any issue. I always realize the importance of when to talk and when not to. But if I were not to share, where can people gain valuable experiences? It is not until when the said person is willing to write his or her testimonies, or else I will keep them secret. So, I am using pseudo names instead. Nobody wants to have their problems discussed in open and I am not going to do that.

That is why I was thinking as whether to blog or not to..... about certain cases.... To gain the patent's trust to confide in me about their problems is so very important. Please in case, some cases are quite similar, stay upright, fear not! Problems have been solved, so it is no longer the old you. It also serves to remind us not to repeat the silly mistakes. Think for others who might have the same problems.... Your experiences can help them when I share..... forgive me..

A few months back, I received a call from my distributor saying that she has a customer who wanted to see me. Mrs A was in a hurry to meet me. She brought me her daughter, aged 8. She has brought her to see many doctors but her ailment still prevails. My daughter complains of stomach ache most of the time. I have only 2 daughters, one is in the secondary class. Their father passed away in an accident a few years ago.

I took her pulse, have a thorough look on her.... Guess what I did? I asked her mother a question...

[请问你听女儿的话还是她听你的? ....... 你有去超极市场购物吗?]

"May I know if it is you who act on your daughter's command or your daughter to listen to you?" She couldn't quite catch my question. Then I continued. "Do you go shopping in the supermarket?" Her reply was yes for sure.

'Well...well...well.... You pay the money but your daughter choose the foods she wanted to eat or buy, right?" She said.. "oh...I guess..yes. I buy what she wants to eat. She is very choosy on her foods. Sometimes the vegetables I cook are untouched and I have to throw them away!"

80% of the foods sold in supermarkets are not nutritious and are rubbish foods. I called them rubbish foods because of its low contents of nutrients, high preservatives, colorings, hidden salts, sugars and fats. And 'long-ago-made'...... meaning not fresh!

I know what she eats.... believe me.... the daughter will look for hot dogs, instant noodles, sweets, canned drinks, 'keropok', frozen chicken wings, ice-cream and canned foods. Her favorite ---hot dogs, right? Her mother was shocked to hear my explanations.

I continued to ask her whether she could remember her times when we listen to our parents. We eat what our parents cook and there was no refrigerator at that time. Mostly are stir-fried vegetables, no meats, no hot dogs at all! I don't blame the supermarkets for selling them, but the power of choice.... we have, right? Business making is their cup of tea.

Money is in our pocket, why buy 'troubles'? Why buy 'rubbish foods'? I have no intention to talk harm about anyone or any place. I always believe that we have no rights to talk ill or condemn or judge anyone. Give them chances to reform.

钱在你的口袋....... 你有权力要怎么花就怎么花...... 有新鲜的不要偏偏要买臭的! 用钱买麻烦? 用钱买病? 用钱治病! 那太没有意仪了吧! 你说是吗?

The highly processed foods that her daughter eats has upset her whole digestive system. I told her that there was too much 'artificial foods' inside her stomach. I told her that her stomach is full of rubbish, useless things and it is complaining and yelling to her to stop hurting it! She silently nodded in agreement. She has no other choice, but to agree. She didn't tell me her secret, I told her... I know it even without her telling me so.

From that day onwards, try to eat vegetables, fruits and natural foods. I told her to start loving her body.... it is her body, not others. Pain is hers... not mine. I shared a little on the choice of healthy foods. To solve her problem, she needs to buy a packet of nutri-bifidus, a very effective yogurt powder exclusively sold by Amway Distributors.

Though expensive, she needs to 'overhaul' her digestive system. I told her to take some food supplements after she has finished her yogurt. She listened and did exactly what I told her.....

The following day, the mother called again and told me to have a look at her other daughter who always complained on tiredness and lack of energy....

ok..this is part 2. How I wish that I can put in some diagrams..or pictures or some sound. Be learning to do it.

The other daughter came. She looked pale and lack of energy. Her period painful and having cramps on and off. As usual, I took her pulse and checked her. You might be wondering how I did that. My second daughter who usually crowd besides me when diagnosing asked one day.... Mum, how can you know what the problem they are having just by listening to the pulse? I told her that one day she will patient and just watch..

ok...what went wrong with this daughter...... she wasn't too happy when I pointed out her weaknesses. She has this habit of 'coming back from school, switch on TV, eat in front of it, switch on air con..... and lie there on the sofa....enjoying almost all the TV programmes. Oops... she has forgotten to help in kitchen, in the garden, in the rooms while her mother does all the job. Even washing the dishes... or sweeping.

How can a person be healthy without exercising or sweating a little? Moreover, she eats the same food her younger sister is eating, though she has no complain on her stomach. I told her that it is not only her who is having such a problem. The whole world is facing this problem where parents are spoiling them with 'amahs' and themselves!

I asked her mother again. Has she forgotten the times she helped her mum in the kitchen when she was young? Did she not help in the garden? Didn't she not learn to sweep and wash in our tender years? Don't she ever thought of passing these jobs to her daughters? Don't she ever think why she is still doing the jobs? Until old and useless one day?????? She told me that they couldn't do the job well... I told her..... let it day they will learn to do them well!

你忘了你曾经都在忙吗?...... 做个好女儿, 忙着帮妈妈作事吗?.... 比如:扫地,洗碗,洗衣,抹地,煮饭,看顾兄弟姐妹....你要做到何时呢?

Get her to do the routine work, she will learn at the same time earn her health!

She listened or not, that I didn't know. But sad to say, too many people are committing the same mistakes. Spoiling their kids unknowingly. That is why I used to joke with my friends, I 'remote control' my daughters to do their jobs respectively..... for their sake and ours...

We met after 3 weeks, I have forgotten where. I instantly enquire about her younger daughter's condition. Guess what? The mother was so happy, she told me that her daughter has ever-since not experienced any pain in her abdominal area. She looks healthier and happier. I am really happy for her though I know not her name nor she knows mine..

It doesnt matter, right?

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