
Monday, November 27, 2006

Sprouts are 'superior' foods....

Many people thought that abalone, birds' nests, shark fins, lobsters, rare fresh water fish and sea cucumbers are superior foods where only the rich can eat. What do you think? Are these foods high in nutritional values or is it because of its rarity that makes them priceless?

No doubt these foods are delicacies and tastes great. No doubt they pamper our taste-buds and when eaten in golden plates and polished silver spoons, one will feel the difference. One always feel that they are in style and in class and belongs to the rich and famous especially when they dine and wine in respectful, grand and luxurious restaurants.

What about the poor? Let's trace back to the ancient days when all of us didn't wear enough..... haha, don't get me wrong... when our ancestors wore animal clothings and ate fruits, nuts, seeds, leaves and berries they collected in the wild. They hunt and fish and most of the time, they ate raw. Well, there isn't class or no class. Are they not healthier?

Talking about pampering our taste-buds, now we have additives, preservatives, colorings and artificial flavorings to boost our appetite! And the competitive and creative cookings and servings that suits our 'modern' taste and modern man are advertised everywhere and everyday!! Nobody would like to look at those natural healthy foods that we ought to eat! Ugh.. no taste... poor looks, not appetizing! Of course, it is when compared to those enhanced and processed foods!

I don't know whether you feel or understand the importance of eating healthy or smart! But there is one thing that I ought to share with you all....... Never be cheated by it's looks! It is what is inside which is more important! It is what it contains that is of value........... We eat to survive, not survive to eat! Right?

Never ever underestimate the power of consuming sprouts. Sprouts from beans, seeds and vegetables. Can you imagine the miracles that comes forth from a small seed? Can one imagine the power of growth, from a seedling to a huge tree? Do you know that a seed left dormant for a period of time can still grow when it meets favourable conditions? Think twice.... how a tiny seed resourcefully combines the universal forces and absorb energy from and within this earth and grows in splendor with Mother Nature.

And best of all, sprouts of all types of beans and seeds contain and provide varied nutrients, phyto-chemicals and enzymes. And they are definitely suitable for human consumption! One should never ignore this fact, an amazingly fact that sprouts are exceptional good health foods that all of us should never miss! Just sprout your own beans and seeds organically using a sieve and changing its water once in a while.

Try to eat them by throwing them into your favorite salads for a start! Eat them first before a meal and any other foods. I am just too excited to advise all to try them and see how your health will gradually change for the better. And best of all.........everybody can afford it! It is one of the cheapest foods that can contain such valuable nutrients and enzymes. Take it raw.... yes, just take it raw for best results.

You can refer to some other sites to know more about these sprouts. Sprouts are great anti-cancer foods that protects cells and prevents their genes from getting abnormal. Some call them 'wonder foods' Be it referred to as superior or wonder foods, nothing is just nothing without YOU taking the first step to try to eat those sprouts.... if you continue this attitude of 'who cares?' and 'why should I?' or 'it is none of my business...', one day you will know.... yes, one day.... you will realize the importance of being healthy!

Go to for further information. a step a day, not by leaps and bounds.... ' today must be better than yesterday and tomorrow must be better than today! '

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