
Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Health conscious? look up for the right info....


"we should have invited more people to come........ ya...I should have too.."

I was invited to share on a topic called 'Why people need food supplements?"

They were all there to welcome me with enthusiasm and joy. Of course, they were glad to see me. Most of them are familiar faces though some are new. They were also discussing about the next meeting and arranging for another topic. ‘Health topics or motivation?’ Since they all knew that I would be going to Rome, they would also like me to contribute a motivation. ‘Let’s make it on the next Sunday evening…. ‘ I told them that I would be at my hometown celebrating my mum’s birthday, but I would manage to be there on time, after all my return journey only will take me a hour’s drive.

well, all of you will not miss out the sharing because I will be writing again. ok, there.............want to know what I told them that night?

"I have 3 joys tonight that I would like to mention before I start. I know that some of them were thinking that I would be going to Rome and that was why I was so happy! No, that is not my joy for tonight. They were anxious to know……. Aha… all were very attentive! Eager to know why I was telling them my 3 joys!"

My first joy tonight is to see all of you here are healthy and fit! They nodded their heads in agreement. My second joy tonight is for all of you….. that all of you here are aware of the importance of health and that all of you are willing to learn. They are many people out there who need our help, but sad to say, some people refuse to be helped! It all starts from oneself. Be equipped with the appropriate knowledge of health first. Only then you can influence your family and gradually to your friends and relatives. And my third joy for tonight is that I am pleased to see such a nice center with a positive environment. I salute their leaders for being independent, for their teamwork and the efforts put into directly or indirectly. That is what I wish so much to see.

Why do one needs to take food supplements? 8 reasons to discuss why. The first reason I emphasized was

[1] How the quality of air and water is deteriorating and affecting our health. Pollution is getting more serious. Sound pollution, land pollution, mind pollution and so forth…….I told them about rippling clear and clean waters… I told them about sweet singing songs of lovebirds……I remind them of natural clean fresh air…………,far away from the hustle and bustle of city life. I emphasized on how we long for such a place…. But where are we living????? I told them about how an x-rayed lung from a guy living in the city is spotted with black ugly dots…and how a guy from a village looks like……….

I continued to tell them about ‘feng sui’ ‘feng’ refers to moving air, ‘sui’ is water. If the place we are living is lacking of good ‘feng sui’, how can one rate ourselves to be of good fortune? How are we going to rate ourselves to be of good health? Or ‘hao ming’ that you are so healthy! The air should be of good quality, the water should be free of pollutants and chemicals, and the environment, free from unwanted noise. That is my dream place….. a quiet, relaxing, clean and green and at the same time free from stress.

Where is that ‘wonder’ place? Are we living in such a place?

what to do then? We know that we should take antioxidants
to fight those unavoidable 'stress' I continued to share and emphasized on the wonders of antioxidants.. how it helps and works... on natural foods that contains antioxidants...

Another question.. are we eating them daily? Are these foods grown on safe grounds? If not, where are we supposed to obtain those good things? well, the answer is from food supplements!

refer to

Antioxidants have been proven to work well to combat free radicals that damage and created havao on our health. This is not a new topic anymore. You either take the fresh ones or buy those supplements... this is an urgent need. it is also my advice before it is too late! Choose a supplier that is reliable and one that can be trusted.

refer to

Nutrilites is considered to be one of the best since it emphasizes on BEST OF NATURE, BEST OF TECHNOLOGY & BEST OF PEOPLE. I personally have visited Nutrilite farms twice and I am not the type who is easily lead by the nose. I have seen and investigated how it all works. And I was amazed and satisfied by what I have seen. Don't forget, our most loved ones are eating them, not to say ourselves... As I always say.... 'MONEY IS IN YOUR POCKET, YOU ARE FREE TO BUY ANYTHING! BUT WHY BUY 'SICKNESS'? WHY BUY 'TROUBLES'? we have been taking Nutrilites for about 2 decades!

Ha.. I used to joke with my distributors... "Do you believe me? Do you believe what I said? Let's make a deal. I buy 2 tickets AND let's go see the Nutrilite farm. If whatever you see is what I have exactly told you is true, then you pay for all the expenses. If whatever you see is not what I have told you, then I pay for all the expenses incurred! Fair, isn't it? So, I speak my experience and what I have seen with my own eyes! That's my personality!

the speech was about one and a half hours... I really should ask someone to take some photos on that night.. now I am really in need of a digital camera..well, bear with me... soon..soon..
[to be continued]

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