
Saturday, December 16, 2006

The 2nd day in Rome - Vatican City

Having a snap in front of Mother Mary

Inside the Vatican Museum

As we walk to the nearby Vatican Museum just near by

The front view...........

In front of Mother Mary, Mother of Mankind

Inside the Vatican City

Jesus and his 12 disciples' statues built, standing high

The big space where 20,000 can gather.. here

Thousands and millions of tourists coming to visit the Vatican City

My hubby

In front of the Vatican Building

HAPPINESS IS IN THE SHARING! Many people comes here for the holy pilgrimage. I experienced an unexplained bliss when inside Vatican City. I was reluctant to leave the place.. and I could feel the holiness of the place. I really felt at home. I understand that there is this connection with spiritual health of which I am also so keen.
Spiritual health is the highest level of health, perhaps...for most of you, it is the beginning. Once one experiences and acquires spiritual health, one will be enlightened and feel the peace at heart and peace of mind. This is another great chapter that I will share in the near future...

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