
Saturday, December 16, 2006

The third day in Rome

We went shopping the third day.... had our allowances and we bought what we wanted to eat..

Along the streets.... roasted chestnuts for sale... and this lane is famous for its leather products... genuine leather... I bought a pair while my hubby also bought one. Just imagine...costing about 100 euro... that is equals to about 500 dollars Malaysian.

Fresh flowers and dried flowers too........ got a snap for remembrance...

The long lanes that sells food and all sorts of things.... just look at the tables set for tea and coffee.....

ha... let's go shopping.......... I love to buy fruits.... yummy of my friend bought bananas... Euro2.60 per kilo....

Citrus fruits... the deeper the colors the more nutritious it is.... oranges, strawberries... blackcurrents..... plums..
Apples, avocados, pears, plums, pineapples.... buy only the freshest ones...full of goodness... we had fruits for lunch that day....

Vegetables... tomatoes, deep orange and firm, so fresh.... cucumbers, green, red, yellow peppers, lettuces...all so fresh and delicious...
And some that are new and I didnt know their names... what a feast to our eyes! I need to stay in Rome for another month to get to know them all.........

Salmon fish... last night, we ate baked salmon....... yummy yummy... you can imagine how happy all of us are......... shopping and window shopping... How I wish I can bring my kids and friends experience what we are experiencing...
Since I am more towards food therapy and nutrition, I do more studies on different foods and tasting them too...... sharing is really a happy thing...

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