
Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas .... a happy and joyous occasion for all..

We all love celebrations and joyous occasions, Christmas is for all... but how many really understands the meaning of why we celebrate Christmas? What is Christmas? What we should do? Well, most of us are just touching the cover page of Christmas..... Everyone knows about Santa giving presents and the rein deers that he rode, the clothing he wears...

One will hear a lot of stories about Jesus being born and is the saviour of human race. He will the king and be seated upon a throne. But did he? He talks in parables, he shares and teaches with examples. Where is He to be seated? I just blogged about this...

What has happened has became history, irreversible and cannot be rewritten! It happened long long ago.... how Jesus was born in a stable and how he was visited by wise men of that time. How a star was shinning in the sky and how the angels rejoiced. Why all the rejoice? Why must Jesus undergo birth and death in such a short period of time? What was His Will?

He who is omnipresent, omniscience, omnipotent understands and predicts all! He is eternal, He is all-knowing and He is Love. Love is God, God is Love. If you were to ask me who God is, my answer is as above. He loves us so much that he sacrificed his only son/himself to help us understand Him better. He lives as a human, suffered, died and was resurrected. The holy trinity that belongs to the same holiness refers to the Father, the Son and the Spirit. It needs spiritual enlightenment to understand better. Each and everyone of us are his children, even if you want to deny this very fact. He will always stretch his hands to welcome you all into his embrace and love you as a father will.

If you are a father, do you love your kids? Well, your answers will be 'of course, I do'.... tell you something...... Our heavenly father loves us as much as you love your own kids, but even more loving... because he can give anything, everything not just something..... even the air that we depend on..... the rain, the waters... and the original energy source of life, the sun.... and this world....they are not ours to keep....

A Christmas celebration just on fun and food or drinks is the first step to learn more about Jesus and God. At least these people are getting closer.... I have nothing to share, just love... just to emphasize God's Love... to remind one that love is forever patient, forever true and genuine. It won't change.

This is my Christmas message.... To Love and be loved. Sprinkle love in your work and in your words, in your actions and collections, in your family, in your home, in your town, in your country and this world will become so much lovelier and a happier place to live... God's life is love, God's message is Love, God's will is Love... and for the sake of Love, we will change for the better... it is all about Love..... Serve all with compassion..

Love is God, God is Love...
[to all christians....]
A celebration loses its meanings when his ideals are not remembered and followed. If one do not care to follow their teachings, the celebrations are meaningless and become artificial observances...and it is not doing justice to Jesus whose birthdays are being celebrated... To live out the examples of Jesus and lead a life of selfless services based on love is the only correct way of celebrating the birth of Christ.

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