
Monday, December 25, 2006

I received a special WATCH.. with 2 time-face...

'I will pay u $100 for this watch... I like it very much, now that u are back from Rome.. sell it to me..... my father implored... it was difficult to say no, though I love the watch too, but since it was my own father who asked for it, I told him that no amount of money can buy this watch, it is priceless. but I can let you have it for free... my father was grinning wide and said...haha...this langsat, I specially pick for you.....he gave me a crude bunch of exchange for the watch.......

He went away laughing and glad to possess such a priceless treasure..... and juggling Roma's coins too...I will keep them too, hehe..... ' I signed, who asked him to be my father whom I love and respect so much?' I know he will be showing to his and his priceless treasure!

Not too long ago, before going to Rome, I and my spouse both received a watch from Amway. It was a special watch that shows 2 different time. It also is a 30th anniversary celebration gift. I took an instant liking to the watch though it is a little too big for me. The watch is to remind us of the time difference when in Rome and at the same time still can see the time in KL.

The brown leather matched the nice watch, but anyway I can still review it by stealing some glances at my spouse's watch since he still has one on his wrist. Mine one, I have given it to my father, guess he is still smiling and proud to possess such a wonderful watch.

Talking about watch, let us look at the below meanings...

W - watch out for our WORDS
A - watch out for our ACTIONS
T - watch out for our THOUGHTS
C - watch out for our CHARACTER
H - watch out for our HEART

[taken from a divine teaching]

The watch itself reveals a very meaningful teaching on morals that all of us have to understand and practice. It is of importance to remind oneself of WATCH! What do we have to watch out for?

too many a times, we talk too much, say too much, criticise too much and never heed what others may feel or think. Speech is silver, silence is gold. Though our tongue is just a soft tissue, but it cuts and kills without bleeding. Have you ever been hurt by some strong personal remarks, be it intentional or unintentional? I like so much this phrase, 'HURT NEVER, LOVE EVER' These are all divine phrases so uncommon amongst us. I understand fully the power of words, how it can either create or destroy. I prefer to create something positive and good instead of bringing disharmony or destruction. Don't provoke negatively! I learnt a good lesson from a special friend of mine about to provoke and be provoked positively, but few will understand positive provoking. this is another great topic on how people response on being provoked....

Though it is just a phrase or a few alphabets jumbled up like 'I hate you", or "I love you', it makes a great difference. These are strong expressions of feelings that should not be taken lightly. Don't simply throw these words into just any body's face. Words showing distaste, showing disharmony, showing jealousy and hate.... or cruelty, don't! Especially when it comes to anger that eats up proper thinking, remember? I have come across some women in distress who harboured and stored negative remarks and kept repeating and affirming themselves of their terrible plight! These women are so sad and in sorrow due to those ugly, bad remarks! Ok, we need to un-install them, but some don't know how to do it! Some are too negative to understand what is negative!

Prevention is better than cure. Just don't provoke at the first place! I have come across these women whose hate knows no boundary and they live in constant stress, anxieties and worries. These women are emotionally unstable and are sick! They are sick because of some careless and negative remarks! Especially remarks from loved ones, especially their husbands. Create happiness, not unhappiness.... All of us can do it for the betterment for all........For goodness sake, think before one speaks! Watch out for our WORDS.... BE THANKFUL THAT WE CAN SPEAK, SOME wanted to talk, but CANNOT!

Actions speaks louder than words.................. Actions counts. An appropriate and right action will also either create or destroy. The above is just saying, but this is different, it is something in action. 'I will kill you!' can you imagine if it is in action? "Get out!' can you imagine that too? Our actions come from our thoughts.... what we think, we act. How we think, we say. It is a great teaching whereby as parents, teachers, leaders or as an elder, we should act with morals and setting good examples. I used to tell parents not to smoke or gamble before he or she can tell others not to smoke. I used to share about 'monkey see, monkey do' what we do, our friends, our kids, our family, our neighbours will see. It will be so difficult to stand upright or guide if we ourselves have no 'eyesight' or show irrelevant examples.

A great leader does not push nor complain about not moving, he or she guides by leading by examples that he or she wants them to follow. All great leaders are not afraid to do the extra jobs of leading by examples. This is the strength of showing good examples. It all starts from our home, showing, leading by correct and appropriate examples. This is the secret of effective leadership as the head of the family. Remember actions count! Remember the law of harvest? You plant beans, you harvest beans, you plant disharmony, you harvest hate, harvest war, you harvest stress, worries and negative products.

Manufacture positives to produce quality, joy and peace. Once again, be thankful that we can still move.... we are not crippled nor handicapped in a way!

You are what you think you are! You have to believe this fact. Thoughts are things. For every thought you think, there are 5 to 6 thousands who knows what you think. I couldn't believe that at first, gradually I understand. Do you know that there are people who can read our thoughts? I mean some only! The world is big.... got my meaning? There is this story about an island where the first monkey washed his fruit before eating. Later, it was found that all the monkeys living at the island washed their fruits before eating! Invisible influence...

I am also saying that a stern and fierce face is self-constructed. Why? You know Justice Pao, who had an iron face, stern and giving justice as one deserved? He was in such a constant practice of maintaining a stern or fierce face that eventually his face will show his thoughts and feelings. Though it might be just a chinese folk tale, but there are people on this earth who 'self-construct' his own face due to accumulations of prolonged thinking who he is.

Tell you this.... if you continue for long enough to feel distaste, hate, anxiety, stress, sadness, anger, worries, your face will show it too. Believe me.... Not the face only, body posture, body language and almost everything becomes transparent. Do you come across someone self-murmuring? aha... he is self-affirming what he thinks he is. He is self-confirming what he thinks he is right or screaming injustice! He is murmuring what he thinks! Dearest friends, don't add into these populace that shows sorrow in one's face! Don't trap yourself with meaningless and senseless, erroneous and erratic or illogical and cynical thoughts that brings nothing, but a road to no where!

Think the other way round, smile, be happy, be contented, be generous, be positive, be friendly, count our blessings, count even those blessings in disguise that may be in the form of adversity, hardship, challenges, foes, difficulties..... we are all blessed in our own ways! Smile and try to give instead of take, try to create instead of destroy, try to love instead of kill, look for peace not fights.... YOur face will shine with confidence, your smile terrific, influential, convincing and your words powerful, your actions effective.... all comes from our thoughts! Bad thoughts lead to the devil's workshop. Beware, never trade with evil or anything to do with satan! Get influenced by good people, good company, good books, good friends and a peaceful and positive environment is what you need.

Smile and the world will smile back to you.... Life is full of happiness and good things to look forward to.... yes...beware of what we think, thoughts are the first place....

what is character? what is bad influence? what can be done to revive or help these 'poor or bad' character guys? If I were to tell you that no one is born evil, do you agree? Yes, no one is evil or bad in a sense. Tigers or flesh-eating animals, we consider bad, they kill and eat their preys, but they are kind to their young, to their kinds, to their family! Some notorious guys are also kind to their own young, family, and their kinds...... that they sin for them.

Character can be discussed closely with moral values. Moral values are preached but never heeded nor practised, sad to say.... When character is corrupted, our world will become a sickening place to live. Rome is not built in a day, so is character. It is an accumulation of bad thoughts, bad influence and bad environment that influences a person to be so. I used to give examples of a lotus that flowers so beautifully despite dirty waters or environment. How many are willing to be a lotus? It is indeed difficult to stay unpolluted in mind, body and heart.

There are only two types of people, to influence and to be influenced. One can choose not to be influenced by bad characters, words, thoughts and actions. One can choose to not be influenced by negatives or instead influence the other. I have personally experienced this great change though it might takes long years of suffering and pains. I have come across to people who told me that I was influenced by him...he taught me to gamble, he womanized, he pulled me to the nightclubs... it was all his faults..... that is why I am like this.... is his excuse! Who is to blame? What about the other way round? You can stay firm in our character and influenced the 'supposedly bad' guy to listen to our advises. It is a task! But can be achieved!

A strong character influences and convinces. It brings peace, justice and order. It shows care and love! What are those characters? Let me tell you... patience, persistence, generosity, selfless, no ego, humble, understanding, helpful, trustful, hard-working, honest, filial, sincerity, integrity, strength, honourable, respectful, confidence, empathy, kindness..... all the grapes of virtue that can be mentioned. These are goals to be, goals to watch out for... just try our best, it is never limited. Take your time...a pace a day...a step a day...

Our society wears colored spectacles to look at people. Our society sometimes never listen nor heed the roots of problems. It is a sad thing, really..... when a mistake is unknowingly committed, all others will add to the condemning and pointing fingers at his or her mistakes. It aggravates and made things worst. If one really did committed something bad or evil, if we constantly classify them and tell these people that they are evil and bad, these people will accept and think that they are really bad and evil and prove that they are evil and bad to the world! Give them the chance to reform... it is pain-rewarding, but needs the right environment and mentors.... don't destroy, never destroy....

Our heart is the temple or a place for God. If we have cleansed or prepared the place, God will be seated inside our heart. But if it soiled, dirtied with negatives there will be someone else, the one with a hook at his tail.... I don't recognize him, but I know there is this 'someone' We have the right to allow or disallow the someone to be seated in our heart. You have your choice, but the choice will produce an entirely different result.

If one allows God to be seated inside his heart, his life will be different. He will experience bliss, joy and contentment and happiness untold. He is rich in life. He is blessed and live with hope, live with love and possess all the richness of life, now and ever. It is as promised, the universe is is his to command and we are in safe hands because we have a heavenly father and we are his children....

But likewise, the other who accepts that someone into his heart, he will be living in fear, in anxieties, in temporary luxuries, falseness..... I don't know...

But there are also those who accept himself to be the king inside his heart.. there are also those who believes that God is in many forms and names... We called to Him, yet never recognize the real One.... But God is only one, though having many names and forms... well, if it is true love, never condemn nor criticize, after all we are all humans, brothers and sisters..... do we need to ask or check their birthrights or colors of skin to differentiate whether we are brothers or sisters? Mean what we preach... God loves all....even the sinners, right? He sets the best example! Just follow Him... treat all as brothers and sisters... never mind, at least, I treat you all as sisters and brothers....

A watch can tell such a long story, a watch can bring so much joy and happiness, a watch can tell time, a watch can also bring stress, a watch can also bring sadness, a watch that tells everything, a watch that records histories and testimonies.... let us ask ourselves, what is this WATCH stands for? It is up to you... to believe or not to, to heed or not, a watch will still be a WATCH! Watch out for our words, actions, thoughts, character and heart! This is the first step towards happiness.... only when one understands!

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