
Thursday, December 14, 2006

The first night in Rome

This is my hubby in the business section hall..

This is one of our best friend, Double Diamond Directs Steven Lim..

This is the place where we dine and wine in Hotel Marriot... the first dish is the raw vegetables..

Rome is romantic!
The pizzas....hmmm so irresistible! delicious!
and the cool and refreshing!

This is the dinning hall that caters for the over thousands of us to have our breakfast... and food is just plenty!

This is my skype friend, who is also a strong diamond ACH from CA success Associates

The first night in Rome was 'business section' held at the hotel we stayed. It was with enthusiasm and excitement we looked forward to the evening because we met many good old friends. We took photos and exchanged warm handshakes. Too happy to see each other and taking photos and video filming in the meeting hall, fully decorated with the mood of Amway! Amway's Leadership in Rome, 2006

I salute those leaders of Amway who chaired the whole meeting. The MC so much geared as not to let us fall asleep took all the necessary steps to make us awake! Excitement filled the hall as all the first-timers were welcomed and acknowledged on stage. There were Singaporean qualifiers and the group is getting bigger. New products were updated, the date of the National Convention confirmed, and the next year leadership to be the Alaskan Cruise! It is expected to be one of the best cruise where we will all spend 8 days 7 nights there!

We had our GM, Paul Yii when addressing us, announced another milestone of success and reminded us on working hand in hand. Our divisional Sales Manager, Helen Lam talked on proper attics and shared all the good news and our MD, Lo Han Kee talked about its future and announced the 50th anniversary celebration for a local diamond forum in Las Vegas for all diamonds of Amway worldwide. It was really a great excitement for all! And our ADAC's chairman, Dr. Wong also addressed and shared that Amway will work hand in hand and always have this win/win situation between the company and the distributors.

I have something to say too.............

Look at these distinguished outstanding speakers.... all of us came from Malaysia and experienced the same time jet and a change of body clock. But they have performed the best, they have shared their best, they have showed their best! This is the difference between us and them. Why? They have this responsibility to go on stage while what most of us think was going to bed to sleep.... get what I mean? All of us were in the same hall, but these leaders can stand so tall and speak so well....flawless too.....

With goals, no matter how tired we would be, we would still stand tall and performed our best! Without the given responsibilities, all of us felt otherwise! I really salute those distinguished speakers and MC of the night. Cheerio for the good jobs done!

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