
Thursday, December 14, 2006

The first day in Rome

The first day in Rome
The difference between positive and negative.....

We arrived happily and safely in Rome after flying for 13 and a half hours from Hong Kong. It was a long flight indeed, but we were all positively looking forward to arriving Rome. Due to the differences in time, our body clock couldn't adapt to it so easily. Instead of going to sleep, we were excited to be ushered into another bus and went sight-seeing which I love so much. The air was so cool and refreshing and we breathed in the first breathe of Rome's air! Sunshine greets us and we are so lucky to have a sunny weather........We went to visit Ancient Rome. Just imagine the tall pillars of rock and marbles and how ancient Rome was build manually. Though it is a historical site, the pillars of rocks left, still standing in majesty, proud and bold depicts its greatness and how the Roman Empire was built in the times of Emperor Caesar. The rocks were sculptured with beautiful statues and structures, too difficult to describe it right!

We had lunch in a special place when only nobles and VIPs are entertained. Amway have to apply for permission to dine and wine there too. It was an unexpected treat, we all ate with relish and indeed a great lunch we had. Red wines served in goblets of clear crystals, silver spoons and forks. And coffee! What a unique taste! And the services excellent! As usual, we go for vegetables and fruits first before eating meats. It was not cheap, the lunch. We enjoyed every minutes of it.

We left for the hotel to check in. Amway people were waiting and it was a speedy check-in where we were given gifts and water. We rested and relaxed ourselves, preparing and looking forward to the evening's business session.

Look at these negative words
arrived tired and long tiring journey....cannot rest...legs so sored with walking .. needed to walk again ...limbs stiff and numb.......... still hungry...... poor food in the plane... huh... the luggage all in poor state....complained on rough handling.... and Rome.... too cold..... smelly fumes from the locomotives and dirty place..... sight-seeing again.... compared with his previous travel, so much better.....and now......... just rocks and marbles to see......... dog-tired........ cannot open one's rain, brought my umbrella, no use....makes my bag so heavy....... currency so big, cannot survive here....... and as usual...eating American breakfast....... raw, tasteless vegetables...... poor services.........not enough food........ nothing nice like Malaysian food.... too many people.... so crowded........ have to force some of the food as not to be starved......... and walking again..... hate walking.......check-in..have to lined up... received a gift, so heavy......... water given but the taste was too weird, cannot drink......... cannot rest...a new place.... too tired to think of any business section... hate it, so dull....they should think of us first.........wish could go to bed and rest till the next day......

Can you see the difference between the 2 person who are in the same journey? How can the second one be happy when feeling so negative? Happiness is how we look at things, not that what you think is best for him will suit his taste and expectations and that he or she will be happy!

There are too many people who wanted to remain negative and is not aware that he is negative! Well, these people needs a change of mind to see things differently and positively! Learn to be positive, enthusiastic and keen to be happy.... It does make a difference! Remember, no people wants to be with them to listen to their boast and laments!

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