
Friday, December 29, 2006

How to rid 'negatives' and keep our mind 'clean'..

let me emphasize more on hygiene, cleanliness of the body and environment versus cleanliness of the mind. Read my two previous blogs before you can understand better.

one of your nasty neighbour swept her compound and dumped all the rubbish at your compound. she even added some rubbish from her rubbish bins, when you see it, you are furious and felt angry for what she has done to you. It was insulting, mean, bad, not considerate, selfish and an unkind act! Okay, all of us know these words to describe an unkind and illogical action.

What about if someone pours 'negatives' or 'rubbish' into our mind? What will you do? Well.... one just smile and welcomed it. MOreover, stored it and felt 'glad' to know them. And join the crowd to spread these 'tasty rumours' and enjoying oneself too. What are these 'rubbish' or 'negatives'? Too many people cannot recognize these 'rubbish' or 'negatives' in any form. Listen to me... heed my advice.... learn to un-install or delete or remove these 'negatives' that will degrade our mental and emotional health. Such an invisible 'dirtying' of our mind that we don't even recognize them, what a sad thing to happen!

Stop the game! Stop where you should stop at the first place. Don't delight yourself at the expense of others!Don't laugh at other's misfortunes, sneer at other's handicaps, look down at other's inabilities or just anyone. we are humans, not beasts, rite?

What are these 'negatives'? Where are these 'negative' sources? Where comes these 'rubbish'? they come from the different sources, especially the mass media, magazines, newspapers, videos, Internet, televisions, chats, radios, newsletters, mails, messages of degrading topics that leads to degeneration of all mankind. There is no 'boundaries' or 'laws' or what we call the police or good man to guard these issues, to prevent and censor these 'rubbish'. This is really an alarming sensitive issues of concern to all parents and teachers alike. Where any Internet sources of any kind can be so easily accessible, it is going to be a big problem. It is so easily spread and manifested in any forms and which are destroying the Morales and characters of immatures beings, despite of their age! Who cares? Who are concerned?

Who will rightfully and willingly stand out to stop the flow of 'negative knowledge' and restore 'positiveness' and love? Who have this power to do the restoring program? Who has this patience to keep the program going on? Where are these people?

Tell you what, start from each family, start from the parents, to educate and to care is the answer.... fear not, the righteous will always win in the name of love, in the name of truth, in the name of justice. in the name of peace, in the name of order and law! Parents, stand out! A thousand miles all start with the first step! A step a day, a pace a day, it works.

Don't you feel that our generations nowadays are more difficult to control and always deaf to our advises? Are our children getting more rebellious and uncontrollable compared to our times? Don't tell me that you don't care! You as parents should do this work as the policeman, to guard your family first. Don't be too busy in your job as to forsake the most valuable treasures in our homes, our children. They are future leaders, future rulers and must be trained with proper foundations of faith, trust, love and kindness..... justice.....and all the good qualities as one should have.

What will happen if we 'keep' and 'digest' these negatives? To know about it doesn't mean that you 'use' them... To know about negatives also doesn't mean that you 'keep' them. Most important of all we just need to recognize them..... but not to 'use' them or let them influence us negatively... All of us are great copycats... but copycatting the wrong systems, copycatting the wrong ways, copycatting 'dirt', and eventually be drowned with 'rubbish'! Eventually killing oneself with demeaning, disgraceful thoughts and actions and end the story in a drastic way.

Brain Waves A are being destroyed and destructed by Brain Waves B. Worst of all, allowing it to happen knowingly instead of unknowingly. Most of the time, it is the self that wills such a meaningless action when one feels hopeless or loveless! Here comes emotional balance, can you understand its importance? To be tuned at the correct brain waves is the skill in handling things correct and proper. NEVER EVER GO AGAINST MOTHER NATURE! We are just a little corner cell of Mother Earth, not the creator of Mother Earth. No one can go against the greatness of Mother Nature and win in this game. Look at the destruction and danger when Mother Earth boils, fumes, strikes, erupts, kneads and thrashes with anger. Look at the wind, the sun, the light, and the power natural phenomenas beholds....

Learn to be at peace with Mother Nature, yes, learn to understand her. Learn what Mother Nature means for us...the secrets of it, do more meditation, listen to our hearts, listen and heed its cries, its messages, its visions and missions as a human being. We are created to love, not to fight, we are created to enjoy, not to suffer, we are created to be at peace, not at war... It all starts from how we think!

Friday, 29 December, 2006

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