
Friday, December 29, 2006

What is this spiritual health?

what is this spiritual health?

Spiritual health is expressed in the believer by bearing the 'fruit of the Spirit' which is love, joy, peace, long-suffering, kindness, gentleness, goodness, faith, modesty, meekness, temperance, patience, righteousness and truth. Believers will be enlightened and there is always a change of mind and heart which allows them to increasingly enjoy the benefits of spiritual health empowered by the holy spirit, and bearing the fruits thereof. It is the sum to everything of what we do to or invest in our body, emotion and mind that will eventually leads to improve and increase our spiritual values and wealth.

As explained in my other blogs, our immortal spirit is embedded in our human body, and our human body is made of blood and flesh that will die and rot! In another words, it is mortal, it can die one day but the spirit or soul will never die or be lost. It is immortal. Our body's life span is rarely over 100 years, but our spirit or soul will be eternal.......

Encaged inside one's mortal body, hidden by our subconscious mind, amidst mixed emotions and human's intelligence and accumulated experiences, there is this 'thing' called the spirit or the soul being detected and unfolded. Our spirit or soul is gradually detected by our efforts put in by our body, mind and emotions to reveal this priceless and eternal gift from God. This is something intangible, invisible and untouchable that leaves the body when it breathes its last. There is more to discover about this spiritual thing, so spiritual health is going to be manifested into our overall well-being that makes up the sum of it.

Is there a God or a Creator? Without intelligent intervention, does anything create itself? Does it just by chance that this universe is here?

So, there is this creator behind this marvelous and enchanting cosmos. He is Omniscient, Omnipotent, Omnipresent. He is worshipped as God using many names and in many forms by various people. Unity, brotherhood and devotion are essential goals for all of us. To promote these sacred qualities in mankind, some great souls sought to establish different religions.

Religion is not a restrictive concept. Religion is intended to develop the human personality and indicate the basic guidelines for right and proper living. Religion beings out the humanness in man and enables him to live in harmony with his fellowmen. It provides the link between the individual and the Divine. It also demonstrates the unity that underlies the diversity in creation.

Can you believe those things as above? Certain words that comes from the divine sources, certain things that one never thinks of or things that you have never heard of?

God is love, love is God, so it is definitely all closely related when we talk about spiritual values, wealth and health, and religion or divine sources or love.

As I always shared, to love means setting an example of caring and sharing. To be loved means expecting all of you to understand love and practise and follow those good examples. Please don't get me wrong and place me in the classification of 'male and female love'. It might sounds so, but it is genuine love for everybody, it is educare at its best! It is educare at its height! It is because I understand that we are all brothers and sisters in the eyes of God. It is the brotherhood or sisterhood that flows from my inner heart.

Just try to move on with this momentum of self-realization, just try to be influenced by this momentum of love-awareness, love-awakening force that will gradually spread from and to all corners of the earth and eventually be immersed in the sea of bliss and love. This awareness of love that fears no difficulties, that takes up even the toughest tasks, that evokes or melts the hardest heart to be realized in the realm of spiritual health and wealth. That there are nothing impossible nor boundaries of anything that our Creator won't be able to do.

Firstly, learn to understand that it all starts with a simple and easy way..... of showing love and accepting what is love..... Cleanse and purify our heart......

Secondly, try to get closer to those people who are in the pursuit of spiritual wealth and health. You will meet brothers and sisters that will be willing to share and encourage each other about spiritual knowledge, bliss and eternity. Search to constantly share spiritual knowledge from holy books, divine sources and bibles and encouraging each other to achieve the same goals of life, that is to increase and improve our spiritual health and wealth.

Thirdly, get into the environment where one can feel the spiritual enlightenment or bliss. It can be a church or a holy place where one can meditate or pray.

To achieve spiritual health as in our physical body, we also need to boost our immune system. Since it is the only road to eternity, one should be firm and persist in the pursuit of salvation. We need to ward off diseases like false teaching, temptations of flesh and soul, and survive all persecutions. One have to face all the inevitable that block the way towards achieving spiritual health. One have to meditate, be rejuvenated, rested, reflected through reading and practising spiritual activities.

To assume work as worship and fulfilling roles of spiritual richness or health amongst all believers and aspirants should never be neglected. Devotees should learn to be devoted to 'give and take'. A healthy diet will be to live on the Words of God as Words of life and practising sound doctrine. Follow and adhere to God's prescriptions for spiritual health. And most of all, be ready to be detached from the love of personal or material gains like money, position, fame and power. Be ready to lay down your ego, your attachments for this world and to let go.....this is the only road to gain spiritual wealth and health.

Remember that Love is God, God is Love?

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