
Saturday, December 16, 2006

I met my mentor, a special friend... CA Khoo

This is a very meaningful picture when Crown Ambassador Khoo came to sit with us during the dinner. We were glad to have him to sit with us for a while. I served him some fruits and he is seated from the left third, wearing a black silk batik. He also introduced us a very special couple from Johore, a big and successful businessman who owns 14 supermarkets. Mr. and Mrs. See Swee Hock are seated next to CA Khoo. He is expanding his Amway business too and qualified for Rome ALS. We were glad to have met each other. Amway is always a big family where all leaders gather and share. We had a nice talk. At my right side, is Helen and her spouse, a headmaster from Sibu.

That night, we were also invited to his presidential suite located at the first floor. The suite was indeed big and spacious. There is only 2 suites like this in Hotel Marriot, specially for Amway crown ambassadors... It was a pity, I didn't take enough pictures of the room. CA Khoo is a very special friend. I used to say that one's success is also influenced by the type of friends we make. It was no surprise that CA Khoo treated us like his big family. He motivated and encouraged us and we will always remember his advises. All of us are now motivated to qualify diamonds to be able to join the grand celebration of Amway's 50th aniversary for diamonds in Las Vegas, 2009.

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