
Saturday, December 16, 2006

The third evening - the feast.... till midnight

Look up the ceiling of this nice hotel.... it is covered with wonderful pictures of art...
Before the feast[dinner], we had cocktails served and many performers to add to the gaiety of the dinner.... we took turn to capture these photos...

A taste of the Roman soldiers..... to add to the mood of Rome....

Cocktails that I am not too familiar, but a few drinks will add some blushes and heaty cheeks... well, ladies of the night need not wear any blushers. The flow of drinks are served in a continuous flow.... to begin the night's special dinner...

Local dancers and performers were invited to the party.... where beautiful ladies and gentlemen dined and wined....

This is where the diamonds and the above will be seated, near the stage...where they can enjoy all the performances so clear...

Dinner is set up with taste and style...... and all awaited with anticipation of good food and red wine.... even white wine also available.... have to learn to drink red wine..
Clunks of salmon fish meats, served so deliciously.... yummy yummmy.............

A shot for remembrance .... my spouse who also enjoys good food and drinks... who doesn't?

Baked sweet sour salmon meats, one can eat until full.... there are actually 4 counters of food

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