
Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Miracle nutrients that can prevent diseases and enhance our health..

Miracle nutrients to prevent diseases and enhance health

These are no unfamiliar foods and most of them can be easily obtained. I am having it written collectively here for easier reference and to remind ourselves of what to eat for a healthier and happier person. It is not on nourishment itself, it is also on powerful anti-oxidants, good immune boosters, good repair foods, anti-aging, to revitalize, rejuvenate and maintenance of our body system. Dare you to live 100!

[1] sprouts of all types of beans, grow your own sprouts [best to be eaten raw, rich in vitamins, minerals and enzymes]

[2] raw fruits and vegetables [1/3 food must be eaten raw, excellent for detoxification when taken as juices]

[3] onions, ginger and garlic [prevent blood clotting, clean systems of various parasites]

[4] soy protein [prevent growth of cancerous tumors, for body growth, repairs and maintenance]

[5] good natural seeds [from sunflowers & pumpkins seeds]

[6] whole grains [whole, natural, unprocessed cereals like rice, oats, barley and wheat]

[7] kelp [provide rich minerals and trace minerals from the ocean]

[8] unpolluted clean water

[9] yeast [provide B vitamins well-known as happy vitamins and its anti-stress properties]

[10] vitamins & minerals [must obtain from natural sources for vitality, immune system and prevent deficiencies]

[11] fiber/psyllium husks [to flush and keeps our colon clean]

[12] green tea

[13] lecithin [from beans, needed to prevent cells from damage from free radicals] also well known for one's youthful looks

[14] shiitake mushrooms

[15] wheatgrass [contains enzymes, rich food nutrients]

[16] seafoods [complete protein, iodine and polyunsaturated fatty acids]

[17] Vit. F - [essential fatty acids rich in flax oil, linoleic acid]

[18] Ginseng - [king of all tonics, general healing, improves glandular function]

[19] Co-Q 10 enzymes [for our heart]

[20] Anti-oxidants [vitamin C & E, beta carotene that helps to fight free radicals]

[21] ginkgo [fuel for the brain]

[22] phyto-chemicals [found in fruits and vegetables]

[23] honey [complete source of food]

[24] Milk thistle [excellent for liver]

[25] Omega 3 & 6 [good fats]

[26] Food and curing herbs [ancient wisdom for safe cures in modern life]

[27] bee products [pollen]

The above miracle foods can be taken to enhance our health. It brings forth vitality, boost the immune system, restore and repair body systems and keeps our body health in a tip-top condition. Know how to eat, when to eat and the amount to be eaten for best results.

One important advise, never destroy. Never purposely destroy! Intentional destruction is a tragedy itself.

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