
Thursday, December 28, 2006

The right concept of food intake

Here are some right concept of food intake, let me put it in a simple and easy English for all..

[1] when taking foods, look for the proper combinations of foods.
The secret is to eat foods that won't create a too acidic condition in the stomach. Most meats are acidic, most vegetables and fruits alkaline. White rice and bread acidic too, so eating them in such a way that we don't aggrevate the acidity in our stomach. Fruits are even better when taken alone, not after the meals. Fruits should be taken some time before meals for better assimilation since most fruits are easily digested.

[2] learn the proper steps of eating food
start off with a warm soup, then more raw vegetables and fruits, less carbohydrates, then some meats[optional as in vegetarians], a mouthful of desserts[can totally avoid] and a few sips of clear water or juice. Never wash down a meal with a big glass of water or juice, it will dilute our digestive enzymes. Then these foods will be sitting inside your stomach waiting to be fermented rather than to be digested. That's why sometimes our mouth smells bad, our breathe digusting! At the same time, don't overeat until one's stomach feels bloated. Or sometimes starving oneself. Do things in moderate.

[3] reduce saturated fats
Trim away skins and fats when preparing or eating meats. Instead of eating a big serving, reduce it to a smaller portion, chewing well as you eat to swallow. Enjoy your food and take your time. Saturated fats and cholesterols will sooner or later clot and narrow our blood vessels. It will indeed be an expensive lesson to learn if one do not heed this advise and we cannot afford to have any blockage anywhere. Know this, if a blockage happens at the heart, it is called a heart attack, if it happens in any part of the brain, it will be called a stroke! Moreover it will also lead to overweight and obesity.

[4] reduce salts
Too much salts in our blood streams will also hinder our flow of blood. It will affect our blood pressure

[5] reduce sugars
Too much sugars will also affect our insulin tolerance. It leads to diabetes and make many diseases complicated.

[6] reduce white rice and flour
White rice or flour has been depleted of all the goodness of vitamins and minerals when they are sent to the mills to be refined as polished rice. What is left is of no significance to discuss. Left behind are the carbohydrates and sugars only. It is never too advisible to take too much of them

[7] control intake of 'rubbish' foods
Rubbish foods include all those foods high with preservatives, colorings, additives, artificial flavors mostly fried in high heat. Foods that are sweetened, salted, preserved or canned are also not recommended. Frozen foods that has lost its nutrients and taste are useless or just poor in nutritional values. Cut down or refuse eating those 'rubbish foods'. Refuse buying 'troubles', refuse drinking highly sweetened and carbonated drinks... Our kidneys and liver have been doing a wonderful excreting job, don't overwork them...don't live to regret for not understanding how these failures are linked with our daily foods.....

[8] increase intake of more fresh vegetables and fruits
Go for fresh foods.... go for more organically planted vegetables and fruits. Increase these foods, don't miss out all the goodness in them. These fresh vegetables and fruits should make up to 2/3 of our food.

[9] cook food in low heat, don't use high heat
High heat will destroy most of the vitamins, enzymes, minerals vital for human's fitness.

[10] eat with a feeling of gratitude, to those who helped planted the food, harvested them, brought them to the markets, and the one who bought and prepared the food, eventually cooking and serving the foods.

Eat to survive, not survive to eat. and I am adding this... Eat to stay healthy, and be healthy in the eating!

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