
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Removals of 5 negatives

Anger eats up proper thinking....

Ego eats up the mind....

Worry eats up the age.....

Bribe eats up justice.....

Greed eats up conscience......

Indeed it is my privilege to try to explain the above meanings in terms of emotional and mental health. Fear not that you can't differentiate the difference between emotion or mental now, it is alright! What is anger to do with our health? Anger will 'hurt' our liver, Hate will 'kill' our heart, Sadness too. Sorrow will make one lose their appetite. I am only touching the cover of the book of emotional health.

ANGER eats up proper thinking..........

I used to tell my friends that we should never heed or install angry words in our mind those meaningless words which might not be meant for us during disagreements. An angry man speaks angrily. Any words coming out of his mouth might or do not mean what he actually wanted to convey. That is why anger eats up proper thinking. He or she is too angry to think properly that all what came out of his mouth are nonsense and revenge! If one keeps reminding oneself of those meaningless expressions or remarks, we won't be happy at all. Try to recall some angry expressions and remarks and repeat them in your words and mind. You will soon be mad with anger just from the act of remembering! You are mad due to just recalling some ugly memories which should long gone down the drain. If you are a christian, do you remember the bible guidance that one should forget one and other's fault as the sun sets? To err is human, to forgive divine, to forget fine!!

Think again, didn't you too say something or scold someone angrily and felt remorseful and regretted for what we said? Yes, we did! It is the same for all human folks. He or she would regret very much for those improper words and remarks that came from anger that eats up proper thinking! So, it is advisable that we must not take too serious of all those remarks and expressions which meant nothing! You will be trapped by your own negative reminding of unintended revengeful meaningless phrases that all angry men and women did! Well. how to uninstall these negative phrases or memories? Listen to me......... I have a great idea and I have been practising it for quite a long time.

Get your closest friend or spouse or children to help you, lie down, try to use purposeful strokes of their hands to comfort, starting from the chest down to the legs. Repeat the action saying, relax.....relax...relax... out goes all those misfortunes and sad things...and let them be gone! Continuous strokes and positive affirmation till you feel at ease and not feeling anymore anger or hate. At the same time, breathe in deep and slow, exhaling the negatives... Love and peace will soon be restored and one will feel so much better! This is how to uninstall negatives..... Like we did to the young babies, cooing them and telling them not to fear. If there is no one to help, pray and imagine God's or Mary's hands soothing and strengthening you. It works miracles. Continue for at least 15 minutes.

EGO eats up the mind too.

Leave your ego outside the shoe racks. Don't bring it into the house. Ego is mean, selfish, destructive, demanding and leads to negativeness and illogical actions. IThere is too much of these....'I' in the making. This is my effort, this is my money, this is my house, this is my success, this is my car... mine..mine... and soon one will be drowned with these I, my or mine..... When one is too attached to a thing or a person, he or she attracts more danger than he could think of.. To be on the safe side, one should revise and ponder twice what we say or think when coming to possessions or properties. A smart guy will learn how to put words and deeds in a proper way that demands our respect and salutation. Ego will be self-destructive and self-degrading at the end of the day. If you want a sound mind, uninstall ego from your mind. Be selfless! can you? Only then you will be safe then.

WORRY eats up the age

Worrying will make one feels and looks old. The constant frowns and worries written or not written on one's face will add to fine lines and wrinkles to our look. Worrying is never letting go of anxieties and uncertainties. Worries will affect body system and also our flow of inhaling and exhaling during breathing. I have shared in one of my blog about letting go and putting our confidences in the will of God, our creator. We are just a pencil in the hands of God, letting it be sharpened and shortened as days pass by. No one is immune to worries, be it small or big. The more time one worries about certain things, the more one will look tired and short of sleep. Worries also depict us of proper sleep. Sleepless and endless nights are common to those who worries too much. Let detached... you will be wonderfully peaceful in heart and in mind when you master this skill. After all, we are just temporary guests of this earth. What is there to worry when we have a Divine father in heaven? Does He not know what is best for us, his children?

Bride eats up justice....

Greed eats up conscience.......

Bride and greed are selfish and intend to achieve their goals by his or her own ways without considering about others. I won't talk too much on these 2 negatives, since it is all connected with personal needs and desires. There have been many cases and histories and testimonials that tells us not use bride or be greedy. Learn from such experiences, look before one leap. Measure twice, the carpenters' rule before cutting. Plant tomatoes, you get tomatoes, plant beans you get beans too. Don't destroy the bridge after you have crossed it! Don't cut the trees and destroy its fruits after you have had enough! Don't think that you are the only survival in this earth planet! Nothing can hide your sins, nothing! You may feel that no one knows, well, is it that? Pride goes for a fall, so will prejudice! Greed will suffer at the end... again, learn to Be selfless!

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