
Thursday, December 21, 2006

Fatigue .... the many reasons why many feels tired..

Fatigue is a state where one feels tired and lack of energy and had no mood to do anything. These people feel exhausted and depleted. These signs are not to be ignored.

[1] Lack of sleep/rest

Some people are so busy that they don't rest or sleep enough. Some are busy with good causes, but some are not. Some are busy gluing their eyes on their television sets or computers until they fall flat. We are no robots, our body spare parts not easily replaced. There is this natural law of harvest. What we plant we harvest. There is no miracle pill to be taken so that one can work round the clock and still stay energetic. We are living in an incredibly sleep deprived nation and some are never aware of it. In this case, it is not a sign of sickness, but a sure sign of our body that speaks out for us to give them a break. What is needed is a good sleep or rest!

[2] Skipping meals especially breakfasts

If one skips breakfasts, one is likely to battle physical and mental fatigue for the day. One will feel lack of energy since energy-giving foods are not eaten at all. We might have stored energies but can it last long? We are humans that needs the basic of food and water. Lacking of certain micro-nutrients and vitamins will also affect a person's energy levels. Most of these people lack of B complex that is an energy-manufacturing vitamin.

People seldom realize that food and energy are closely related. I strongly recommend people to check and look carefully at how they are nourished or undernourished.

[3] Taking too much sugar and caffeine

Caffeine, sugar, alcohol, trans fats and processed foods are all energy depleting. If one drinks coffee with excess sugar, you will feel good temporarily, but then your energy takes a nosedive. Sugar particularly depletes your energy because it raises insulin levels and blood sugar goes up and down, causing fluctuation of energy. It creates insulin resistance, a big problem that affects millions of people who have this habit. The symptoms are feeling hungry all the time, craving carbs or sweets, gaining weight, irritability and shaking. It can also lead to panic attacks, diabetes, obese, gluttony, cognitive problems, memory deficit, risk of heart disease, cancer and Alzheimer's.

[4] Over-stressed

People now are more competitive and feels that they should be productive. Our bodies are over-drived. Our stress responses has become chronic. Today, stresses never seem to disappear and results in low energy, non-restorative sleep, libido that's too high or too low and anxiety disorders.

[5] Improper and uneven breathing

Improper breathing will also lead to fatigue when one only practises thoracic breathing. It is a shallow breathing and most of the time, the person is deprived of oxygen. Breathing should be slow and deep and maintained at a regular pace.

[6] Over-indulgence in certain activities

Excessive activities in the night where our body system is designed to rest will also be energy depleting. Late disco nights, late celebration nights, late nightclub activities will eventually upset the body system. Night shifts or any night work when we see the moon instead of the sun will also make up to our unbalanced lifestyle.

[7] A body full of toxemia

Certain toxins and chemicals or preservatives from processed foods will have adverse effects to our body that slows down body metabolism and depletes one of energy. Pills, medicines, drugs of all sorts will affect directly too. A body full of toxemia needs to go for detoxification and fasting. It will revitalize a person's overall health.

[8] Certain illnesses/diseases

Most diseases come with symptoms. To feel tired or fatigue can be due to certain diseases like diabetes, aids, cancer or liver or kidney failure. It sometimes also shows early signs of illness. It can also means late signs of severe illness. A proper and urgent body check-up is also advisable. Prevention is so much better than cure.

[9] Lack of exercises

Some people are 'berat tulang', it means lazy. Lack of exercises will also contribute to fatigue in a way. Nowadays, people are spending too much time in front of their TV sets or PC that they have their 'dining tables' in front of their bed, a fridge at their right side and and the toilet at their other side of their room! Poor blood circulation will affect our energy levels.

[10] Lack of something to do

When a person is lacking of a goal or something to do, he or she will also feel tired and no strength to be involved. The more one sleep, the more one feels tired.

Nothing is without a cause. Our body's symptom be it good or bad cannot go unheeded. If we have maximum health, we should maintain it, if we have poor health, we have to adjust and mend our body system. It is our body's way of giving us signs as to heed our health before it is too late.

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