
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

seventh reason..

Seventh reason
Those who are on diet
Anyone who is on diet should be supervised by nutritionists for safety and for best results. Too many people fail to recognize the nutritional values of certain foods and are not eating the right foods! Lessening the calories will also mean to lessen the intake of certain minerals and vitamins. Eat it right, one can still maintain a superb figure! Of course, there is this skill of eating the exact portion of food, the proper combination of food and when to eat and when not to eat! To go without food or to starve oneself for the sake of weight maintaining is one of the most un-clever way! And eventually becoming a sick beauty who actually is not beautiful at all!
病美人 is a burden to all!

Those who are choosy in certain foods
Do you see anyone who is too choosy and eats only certain foods of his or her favorite foods? I think there are plenty of us who has this particular habit. One man's meat is another's poison. Heard of this proverb? Well, it is a matter of choice to choose to eat healthy or to eat what he wants to eat. Go ahead and continue this particular habit, one day one will find that they are lost in the jungles of pills and injections. The constant visits to doctors, sharing your wealth with them and the lamenting of pain and sufferings untold. It will be a nightmare! I have written in one of my blog about a young child who ate only hotdogs, instant mee and imported chicken wings! Her stomach was in a mess, luckily she heeded my advice and recovered from her occasional abdominal ache!

We need a balanced diet! We need to at least eat and obtain nutrients from different foods. I always recommend people to consume 5 colored vegetables, 5 colored fruits, 5 colored beans and 5 cereals for better health! 8324... ha, this is not a 4 digit lottery, it stands for consuming 8 different types of food a time, take 3 meals, and altogether taking at least 24 different types of food a day!

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