
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

sixth reason

Refrigeration has given us much convenience and ease. No house is without a refrigerator, some have 2, some have 3. Just name it, the foods are all available in their homes. Just like a mini supermarket! It is good to be well provided for, but think twice.... How nutritious are these foods?

I am not against having a refrigerator. Many has this habit of buying a week's food of fruits and vegetables and stored them inside the fridge! Improper storage of food and drinks will gradually diminish the nutritious values in them. Since it is such a common mistake that it is now no longer considered a mistake! But when you think of the nutritional values of those foods, we will only then realize that what we are eating and drinking are just useless, tasteless, nutrition-less stuff..... It is really time to consider food supplements!

Frozen foods when kept for more than a month will gradually lose its taste! The longer it is kept, the tasteless it will become.... What more to say it's nutrition? We need fresh foods to obtain the necessary vitamins and minerals. Be aware of this fact! If one continues the bad habit, it will have adverse effect directly or indirectly! We are what we eat!

Preservation has so much increased the life span of some foods. The simplest form of preservation is by vinegar, sugar and salt. Much valuable minerals and vitamins are lost when preserved. Those too sour, too sweet and too salty foods are never good for our stomach, what more to say about safety for consumption? Sad to say, some has been addicted to it! These are so common foods, like salted eggs, salted vegetables, salted fish/meats...... and together with plain rice, they can eat to their full! It is more on filling our stomach then to be health-conscious!

Food preparation makes a great difference too. Cut fruits and vegetables are easily oxidized and lose its nutritious value when left for a certain period of time. These are basic knowledge on getting to know about the foods that we eat. It is not merely to 'fill-full' our stomach but to be aware of eating smart. Live to eat? or eat to live? All of us should be eating to live healthy! 'Penny wise, pound foolish' It is so important that we choose to do things without living to regret one day!

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