
Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Travelling health tips - continued from previous blog

Catching a snap for remembrance - Ancient Rome
Sleep well
Some can easily sleep anywhere, anyhow and any time. Some cannot, some needs time to adjust their body clock as when to sleep or wake. In such cases, try self-affirming oneself to sleep and rest when needed. Since we sleep when the light is dimmed, try to ask for an eyeshade. It is a small perfect fit to cover both our eyes and shade it from light. A soft and comfortable eyeshade will help very much. I used to coo my kids to sleep by telling them to close their eyes first before telling them stories. All of them will soon fall asleep in no time. If you let them be opening their eyes awake, they won't want to sleep. To sleep and be relaxed is one of the best way to stay energetic throughout the journey.

At night, one can put both our feet on higher pillows to allow better blood circulation due to long distant walking. Put both feet higher than our body, it helps. Or one can soak both feet in warm water. If there is salt bath, so much the better because of the long bath-tub available in these hotels. On and off, we can massage our feet too.

Be reminded to sleep with supporting one's neck instead of one's head. It relaxes our whole body by sleeping relaxed. I like the hotel we stayed while in Rome. Hotel Marriot, a big hotel with more than 500 over rooms. All are so clean and new. It was opened just a month ago. And Amway used up more than 500 rooms too. There are so many pillows there, and I love the bathrooms too.

Relax well
Too many people cannot relax properly when in a new posture or in a new environment. To be relaxed need the help of adjusting our adrenaline levels and breathing rhythm. Tell our body to relax by self-affirming oneself that all is going well and safe. Tell our body to breathe normal. Breathe in deep and slow. Be replenished with enough oxygen to stay refresh. Never forget how to breathe deep and slow. Do it often and do it right! It pays!

Enjoy smart
When one is travelling, try not to bring the burdens of home or work or business on one's shoulder. We have had enough work and pressure and by going travelling, we actually wanted to relax and enjoy ourselves. Put them away temporarily. Smile and try to feel the joy of being alive and happy to meet new people and new places. Feel glad to explore the unknown, feel proud to explore the world, feel the joy to be experiencing the differences of food and culture. Feel delighted to be able to do shopping overseas, to taste new foods and drinks and with our loved ones too. Especially this Amway incentive trips, where all of us look forward to meet our old friends all over the country. Yes, where all the outstanding leaders gather and share their success stories. All proud ladies and gentlemen, successful and standing tall amongst many!

Enjoy well
What else is more meaningful than to know the meaning of 'enjoy'? I used to tell my friends, stretch the ringgit... meaning using the least amount of money yet reaching out to the furthest! NOw it is stretch the time... meaning trying to make full use of the 24 hours, instead of sleeping and resting in our rooms, enjoy well. One seldom comes back to the same holiday sites twice of more than that! So that one will not live to regret!

Remember smart
Be equipped with a digital camera to capture those delightful sceneries and tourists' sites. Capture and let these photographs be sweet memories to keep. Once in a while, one can have a look. It is also proof because such travels are kept for group motivation and references.

Remember well
Travels widen one's experiences. The photographs will tell the story. The photographs will be to stay for our next generations to come and one will not regret that we have once upon shared the sunshine and moonlight of our time. And expectantly, it will add some smiles to our new breed of the 22nd century......

Heed those tips well, it pays especially when one comes to the eating skill. To make our journey memorable and meaningful, it is good to remind ourselves that we are there to enjoy, not to stay back in the hotel room groaning in pain or feeling sick. With good health, we won't miss out any wonderful sights and LIVE WITHOUT REGRETS!

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