
Saturday, December 30, 2006

The talking parrots...heed not what they say...

The talking parrots....don't bother them..., they themselves are not aware of what they say...

"the hunter is here, let's fly away.... the hunter is here, let's fly away..." all the parrots were warning other parrots about their danger and the hunter was so surprised that he stopped in his track and retrieved his nets and went back, empty-handed.......Hear this story of how to delete negative words...

There was once a hunter who hunted for talking birds and sold them for a living. He was quite poor. Finding no other jobs, he was forced to go uphills to catch parrots in the forest nearby. He had to start out early and walked into the forest and up the hill where these birds gather. Arriving at the hills, he would spread some corn and prepared the net. Then the parrots would fly down to eat the corns spread in the nets. By this way, the hunters could easily catch those birds. Most of the time, he would catch several dozens of these talking, colorful birds and sold them in the market...

One day, the hunter met a monk on his way back with his catch. The monk pitied the parrots and told the hunter to sell all the parrots to him. After buying the parrots, the monk set free all these parrots. He told the hunter not to go up the hills to catch anymore. He also told the hunter that he had taught the birds to talk and that the birds knew how to protect themselves from being caught. The monk told the hunter that he would not be able to catch any more of these parrots.

It was bad news to the hunter. He didn't believe the monk and the next day, set out to the nearby hills to catch his birds. Arriving at his destination, he again spread corns and set up his net. Soon the parrots came flying down to eat the corn. At the same time, these birds started talking....'the hunter is here, let's fly away.... the hunter is here, let's fly away....', warning each other..

The hunter was shocked to hear these parrots talking and spreading the news to other parrots. He was too disappointed to do anything and quickly retrieved his nets and went downhill. It was his bad day, he wasn't able to catch a single bird. He was hopeless, but couldn't do anything. As days passed by, he was facing great difficulties in catching other small animals. He promised himself that he would go up the hills to try to catch those birds again. He was dependent on these parrots for his living.

Early the next day, he set off towards the hill. Halfway, he met the monk again. He told the monk that he had no other choice but to resume his hunting for parrots. The monk sensing his trouble told him to go uphill and catch the parrots as usual, heedless of whatsoever the parrots are talking. Therefore, the hunter was comforted.

As usual, he set up the net, spread some seeds beneath it. Soon the parrots came, hungry for food, they flew into the nets picking up the foods at the same time saying 'the hunter is here, let's fly away..... the hunter is here, let's fly away...' Funny, isn't it? The birds were saying at the same time flying into the nets. The hunter quickly caught them despite those birds talking about flying away and that the hunter was there..... Yes, the hunter really caught all those birds by heeding the monk's advice. Not to listen to the meanings of what these birds were talking.

what is the message here?

It is teaching one not to heed any rumours or the meanings of people who join in the crowd to criticise or blame people. Just do what we ought to do, don't listen to rumours, to meaningless insults or remarks. Like another proverb that says... 'Let the dogs bark, the caravan still moves on'

Don't bother or take into hearts what these people are saying, especially the negatives remarks that are meant for nothing.

This is a story to make one aware that we shouldn't bother what people says because these people are not even aware of their mistakes.... these people do not even understand what they are listen and delete! For the good of oneself and others...remain calm even when provoked...

Saturday, 30 December, 2006

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