
Sunday, December 31, 2006

Goodbye 2006...... Hello 2007!

The bussiness of life is to go forward... with strength, will and determination... success will be so near then....

Wish all readers achieve your goals and dreams as swift as these 'thousand miles' horses will bring, to you and your family and your loved ones!

Goodbye 2006...

Another new year to come.....

Say goodbye to 2006....

Another ladder of success to climb....

Say goodbye to 2006..

It might not be the best 2006..

Definitely no pain, no gain....

It might not be a triumph 2006,

But the sun will shine again...

Be geared to welcome 2007...

Be motivated to move on...

Be happy to salute 2007..

Be glad that we still live on...

Our senses


Look and see all things positive..

Hear and heed good advices..

Say and talk well of others...

Touch and feel the love in all...

Feel at ease with Mother Nature....

Taste the joy and happiness in giving..

Smell little troubles, shoot them down before it becomes one...

Accept and embrace love for all....

Let's welcome 2007...


- You are unique, live out the real you!


- Enough is enough, go the extra mile...


- your Attitude will determine your altitude!


- Remind yourself of your goals, plan your work and work your plan.............


- 2 brains are better than 1, team up, work out to clone 2, to become 4, to become 8, 16, 32...


- Zero to start, hero to become


- Open to new ideas, we are now in a 21st Century..

7 - apply the 7 habits of highly effective people..oops, not only 7, but 8 now...

so, here is Lucy from Sibu wishing all readers a Happy and Prosperous New Year...

Remember to look at your health from all 4 dimensions, for a healthier and happier 2007.....

A year older, a year wiser....

A year older, a year wealthier..

A year older, a year healthier...

A year older, a year happier....

Cheers! Year 2007

Sunday, December 31, 2006

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