
Saturday, January 20, 2007

Emotional and spiritual foods....yummy yummy....

Enlightening reminders...... to awaken a person's self realization towards becoming a happier and healthier person....

Jealousy, My dears,
is that silent poison in one's food that remains tasteless at first,
letting one enjoy the flavor of the food in complete ignorance of its deceitful presence -
but once it is ingested,
one will experience the suffering of its venom and will continue to pay the price of its weakness, until one willfully excretes every bit -
pleasantly regaining the health of the diseased soul.

Jealousy is that locust that can alone swallow the promise of a healthy harvest.
The one that has opted to bring within him this misery,
has chosen vengeance over peace!
Those who have laid their eyes of envy on another's contentment and fulfillment,
will suffer the disease of excessive hunger.
Yes! Such a one wipes the traces of any happiness from himself,
for he will always seek unhappiness in another's smile.

from a divine source..

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