
Friday, January 19, 2007

Ever thought of going vegetarian?

going to refuse eating meats? can we? can we rid of this usual habit of eating meats? why should we? how can we be one? when to start? what should we eat then?

Here are just some reasons why people choose to be a vegetarian for personal health.

[1] No nutrients necessary for optimal human functioning cannot be obtained or found from plant foods. So there is no fear of deficiencies even when one is only eating from plant source.

[2] Plants do not contain bad cholesterol and comparatively to animal foods which comes with high fat and cholesterol.

[3] Meats are deficient in carbohydrates and other important vitamins[except B-complex] Can you find this vital vitamin C in any meats?

[4] Animal meats contain comparatively more bacteria and viruses than plants origin; of which some are quite dangerous to our body. So, beware of all those pathogenic microorganisms found in these meats.

[5] Exposure of agricultural chemicals affects animal foods more than plant foods. Because these animals, being higher on the food chain actually contains higher concentrations of pesticides, herbicides and more..

[6] Danger to livestock drugs. We know of some over 20,000 different drugs, including sterols, antibiotics, growth hormones and consumed by people when their meats are taken.

[7] Meat eating increases the risk of 'all modern diseases', including heart disease, stroke, osteoporosis, kidney stones, gallstones, gum disease, acne, obesity, cancer, colon poisoning and many others...

[8] Plant or wholesome food travels quickly through our digestive tracts and leave less mess in our intestines. But meat sources always create sticky, smelly, dirty stools and one can imagine the transit time kept inside our intestines. Death starts from dirty colons.

[9] Excess proteins, since too many people eat more proteins from animals that causes it to be in excess, it will also cause excess nitrogen in the blood that creates a host of long-term health challenges.

[10] Longevity. To be spared of all those degenerative diseases will at least prolong a person's healthy life.

The slaughter of animals for food, the bloodshed, the anguish cries of animals being led to slaughter houses and tears that flow from dying cows, well... I wonder if one really understands what these animals feel. The urge to stop these killings and cruelties is there, but when one visits the market and smell the aromas of cooked meats, everything is forgotten. But to an vegetarian, it stinks. It is time for all those who are middle-aged to consider going semi-vegetarian or a pure vegetarian for a healthier and happier You!

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