
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Frogs...3 stories on frogs.. [food for our mind]

Food for our mind...' why one cannot breakthrough?'

Story telling kids and students would sit around me to listen to my stories, 3 short stories on frogs and 2 others.

The topic for breakthrough was shared with 5 short stories to start off the training course that we gave a few days ago. Here are 5 short stories. Read them all and ask yourself which is your situation that slows down your achievements.

Story 1
One day, all the frogs from the village were gathered to join in a competition, that was to climb up a tall tower. A handsome prize would be given to the first frog who accomplished the task. Soon all the frogs were gathered together. The first one who climbed up to the top of the tower will be rewarded a gold medal.

Soon a whistle started off the competiton with all the frogs, each hastily climbing up, jumping to compete with each other to see who would do the best job. Soon, some were tired, some have lost their courage, some lost their determination. Some were too tired. Many stopped on their tracks and gave up, it wasn't an easy task!

There were still some frogs who continued climbing, but only one managed to reach the top of the tower. Most of them gave up half way. The winner of the race was proudly given the prize, a golden medal of achievement. Just then, a reporter interviewed the winner. It was found out that the frog who won the prize was 'deaf'. It was deaf to all negatives remarks and couldn't hear any complains. It didn't heed any other's failure, but was focused only towards achieving his goals.

Motive of story. When one is moving towards his goals, one should move on regardless to what others might say or remark. Just keep a deaf ear to negative remarks. If we have been heeding too much, we will also give up half way, so just move on....

'to do or not to? Just do it!'

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