
Saturday, January 27, 2007

Frogs...the second story [part 2]

Story 2

There was once upon a time 2 frogs who were great friends. They were living happily at their village and were quite satisfied with what they had. One day, they heard that the other village over the hills was grand and sophisticated. They heard that the other village, a new world was full of fun and excitements. So, they decided to go out to seek their fortune in this supposing great and large village over the hills.

Soon, they packed for their journey up the hill, they were excited and happy to make their moves. Soon, they came to the top of the hill. One suggested that they should have a peep to see how the other world looks like. So they clutched their forehands, holding tight to each other and stood as high as possible as to have a glance at the other village.

What did they see? The first frog was surprised to see the other village the same as theirs. The second frog also verified the fact that it was the same as their village. They were looking forward to the new village. But what they saw was their own village. Why?

Well, these frogs...they have their eyes tilted more towards the back of their head. When they stood up, their heads are tilted and what they saw was actually their own village.

Message of this story. Learn from appropriate sources, learn from reliable sources, our successes cannot depend on mere rumours or empty promises. One might laugh at those silly frogs, but sometimes we are also in their steps.

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