
Monday, January 8, 2007

God knows....


When you are tired and discouraged from fruitless efforts,

God knows how hard you have tried!

When you have cried so long & your heart is in anguish,

God has counted your tears!

If you feel that your life is on hold & time has passed you by,

God is waiting with you!

When you are lonely & your friends are too busy even for a phone call,

God is by your side!

When you think you've tried everything & don't know where to turn,

God has a solution!

When nothing makes sense & you are confused or frustrated,

God has the answer!

If suddenly your outlook is brighter & you find traces of hope,

God has whispered to you!

When things are going well & you have much to be thankful for,

God has blessed you!

When something joyful happens & you are filled with awe,

God has smiled upon you!

When you have a purpose to fulfill & a dream to follow,

God has opened your eyes an called you by name!

When you feel at peace & loved,

God has been always been with us!

Because God is Love, Love is God!

We are His products of Love!


This is the best page of encouragement to me all the time when I face difficulties, challenges and temptations. I am not without adversities too...... It depends on how one looks and feels about it......Where is there no rain or pain in Malaysia? We should take them as wake-up calls to go closer to God. Funny, isn't it? Why all these wake-up calls? Why all the test and temptations? Well... so that we won't forget our Creator.

'All wise men are somehow or other are touched by sufferings and learnt from adversities...'

Most of the time, people tend to stray further and further away from LOVE, from GOD...when things look finer and almost forget everything!

As a Christian, we use to talk about GOD, about LOVE, but I don't think there is a limitation to the above. Why? Being a Christian should have compassion and inner conscience too and treat all other human beings as brothers and sisters. Anyone can use the above! You can think of your God, the Creator of this Universe....and there is nothing wrong too. Yes, the Creator of all, and we should treat all His creations as precious.

Have the above printed and stuck at the wall in your working place or any place where you can see them... and 'COMFORT' you will always find, if you have enough FAITH & TRUST in your BELIEF!

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