
Saturday, January 6, 2007

Life is precious..

Here is a story about the death of a parrot that I heard somewhere, since it is a nice story, I am putting it in my blog to remind all of us that life is precious, read this story to understand how precious life is.......

There was once two good friends who used to gather and enjoy talking with one another. One day, friend A invited friend B to his house. They were happily chatting to each other in the sitting room. Friend A's family members have gone out and left only the 2 friends in the house.

As they were talking, friend A showed his precious diamond ring to his friend, telling him how he got it and how proud he was with that diamond ring.

In the sitting room, his pet, the parrot was also listening attentively to the 2 friends talking about the glittering stone. It has also caught its attention. Just then, friend A's telephone rang. He went out of the room to attend to the call. Leaving his friend B with the parrot.

He returned after 5 minutes to the sitting room... and to his surprise, he saw his friend's gloomy and worried face. He asked him what went wrong, but he just shook his head but remained silent. Suddenly friend A noticed that his diamond ring had disappeared!

He persuaded his friend to tell him the truth, but his friend just shook his head. Friend A got very angry with him and started condemning him and blaming him for the lost of the ring. Yet, the friend still kept silent. He looked very worried but he could say nothing about the whereabouts of the ring.

Anger ate up friend A's proper thinking. He started cursing, started shouting and started hurling things. His parrot was near him, his friend too, but the accusation was getting stronger.... yet his friend still kept his mouth shut.

He was so angry that he accidentally hurled the iron bar that should be part of the hanger at his parrot. His parrot immediately fell down, bleeding and lost consciousness.... It was dying and soon died.

His friend immediately opened his mouth...... "It was your parrot who swallowed your diamond ring!" Friend A was shocked.... and answered; "Why didn't you tell me earlier? Why? Why? "You should have told me earlier..."

His friend answered. "Life is more precious, now that the parrot is dead, only then I can open my mouth." You have made a terrible mistake. I won't want to befriend you anymore... You never did trusted me!" and his friend left him...

Friend A was ashamed and guilty of having thrown so many nasty words at his friends and blamed him without actually looking into the problem. He wanted to ask for his forgiveness from his friend, but he was gone....... He had learnt a great lesson... It was a double lost.... his best friend and his beloved pet.........

True friends are rare.. true friends will never do things that will hurt his friends or the other way round... happy are those who are surrounded with genuine friends.....

This is just a story, I hope, but there are many cases whereby ignorance have killed innocent friendships..... think and be aware that we don't do things on impulse and regret later on....

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