
Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Good luck = preparation + opportunity..

Good Luck = preparation + opportunity, what is there to do with good health?

What has good luck to do with being a healthier and happier person? One may ask. The answer is that it definitely has a great impact on our health. Good luck equals to preparation plus opportunity. For all our 4 levels of health to be in optimum condition, we do apply the above equation. To be physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually fit are our goals. To be fit and sound is what everybody wants and desires.

Luck can be divided into small luck and big luck. Small luck is just temporary. It is easy come, easy go. There is no point discussing about it. Big luck means steady success, great improvements, long-term achievements. To succeed to achieve all 4 levels of health is a long way that includes tedious preparation and grabbing every possible opportunities to look out for mentors, for great teachers to learn from.

Some never recognized or met a mentor or a teacher who can teach and guide. Plentiful of people we do meet everyday, many great teachers of life hidden amongst the black and white prints, or just anywhere, or in the air, but not one can alter our fate if we lack the intelligence to recognize them. In this world of education, it is made up of just 2 normal processes, we learn what we don't know and teach or share what we know. And the cycle repeats itself. Where are our teachers of life? Who and where is that one who will show concern of our welfare? Where are these mentors?

Too many people are too busy with their assignments, with their responsibilities, with their work that they have forgotten about self, about the need to sharpen our wits, to improve ourselves, to keep healthy in all 4 levels of health. They followed the clock instead of the compass. They are so busy that they journeyed alone. They are too engrossed to look out for mentors, for time to relax and to spend time with great teachers and mentors who talk about life's values.

I used to tell many friends that we earn our health, we don't just dream to have perfect health. There are certain things that we ought to prepare.

Our body

Let's look at our body. We need to feed our body with those suitable and appropriate foods and drinks. We need to keep our body clean, we need to build up our immune system, to improve our repair system, to enhance our blood circulatory system, to uphold our anti-aging capabilities and abilities, to make sure that our excretory organs works well, our detoxifying organs functioning well or proper or to make sure our sex organs are working fine.

We have to take all the preventive measures that can make our body system work well. We have to earn all the attributes towards being healthy, for our body as well as for our mind, emotion or spirit. We have to do all the preparations, to prevent ourselves for being not at ease. To be at all times 'READY'

Our mind

We have to install positive programs into our brain, learning about positive affirming, knowing how to uninstall negatives, learning to keep ourselves at brain wave A. How to tune to our brain wave A to make aware our hidden potentials of our brain. How one should focus to exploit our talents and great potentials. Our positive programs need patience and skill to install, of course with the right information.

Always keep in mind this 'Garbage in, garbage out', understand that we don't need any negatives inside our mind. We are who we think we are. Positive affirmations and self affirming can help a person to be goal-orientated and climb up his ladder of success faster. Understand the power of our mind, a thing not to be underestimated.

Our emotion

We have to learn to be emotionally stable. We have to learn how to control our negative emotions, such as anger, hate or ego. We have to learn how to stay unprovoked, unyielding to negative impact, standing firm in one's morals and characters. One should learn about genuine love and how it can be applied into our every day life.

Our spirit

We have to understand our True Self. We have to have this understanding of self-awareness, peace of mind and peace at heart, spiritual enlightenment and about our Creator. We have to understand our purpose of living, our purpose as a human and our destiny.

We ought to take into considerations all 4 dimensions of health, an extremely vast topic of yin-yang balance, towards achieving total health and happiness. Approaching it in a holistic way, understanding it from all angles of health towards a total balance to bring forth a more rewarding life.

Be realized that we ourselves are fully responsible for all our deeds and happenings. We actually approve of all things that happen to our body unconsciously. Because we command things to happen, depending on our will, our determination, depending on what we wanted in life.

Our life is full of unexpected 'expectations', unpredictables, adversities, challenges, and ups and downs. With smart preparations, if one prepare it right, we can face them with a smile. We will have a healthier and happier life, but if one prepare it wrong, we will be living in distress. We will meet defeat, we will be lost even in the first few steps if without proper preparations.

We meet chances in life, we meet great opportunities in life, but it all depends whether one is wise enough to grab them all and with forceful preparations, move towards better and more meaningful tomorrows..........

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