
Tuesday, January 23, 2007

How do you know that there is God?..Mummy, tell me...

How do you know that there is God?

Unless you cultivate love, tolerance, humility, faith and reverence, how is it possible for you to realize God? God is Love, Love is God.

Where there is love, there is God. He is certainly evident. Love more and more people, love them more and more intensely. Transform the love into service, transform the service into worship, that is the highest spiritual discipline.

Love is the source of our intuition, our creativity, our empathy. It is the most basic and primary tool of all therapists, allowing us to extend beyond ourselves to merge with the one who is suffering, experience the other's pain, and finally dissolve that pain with Love's life-giving force.

Love is the solvent for the hardest of hearts. Love can confer peace, joy and wisdom, cultivate love, express love, let love by your breath, let the sun of love help the lotus of your heart to blossom.

Love is God's highest miracle. Love can make you gather the affection of all mankind. Love will not tolerate any selfish aim or approach.

Love is God, live in love. The spark of divine dwells in your heart. Discover it, feel it, attain it, experience it, you will find the peace at heart, peace of mind, and the answers to everything and anything, yes, it is love.

Expand your heart so that it can encompass all, do not narrow it down into an instrument of restricted love. Love activates, love fulfills, fill your hearts with the sweet fragrant water of love.

Man is love embodied

Man is love embodied. He thirsts for love and he finds real joy in loving and receiving selfless love. Love all human beings as embodiments of the same divine principles.

You can experience it yourself. When one does something that he feels is good or helpful, he will experience a joy, a feeling of contentment only he experiences. He might not want to show, but deep inside there is this connectedness to the spark of divine, that is love.

Too many people in this world is deprived of love, of care, of concern and hunger and thirst for it in a wrong way, driving them further and further away from achieving them. We talk, we voice our feelings to be loved, to be cared but who heeds them? Some of us are too busy to even count our blessings and forgotten our loved ones. Our loved ones who wait and wait for just a small response.

When you know that you are but a spark of the divine and that all else the same divine spark, you look upon all with reverence and true love. Your heart is filled with supreme joy and the canker of egoism is rendered ineffective. Man is seeking joy in far-off places, in quiet spots, not knowing that the spring of joy is in his heart, the haven of peace is in himself.

So, Love is God, God is the embodiment of perfect love. so, He can be known and realized, reached and won only through love. You can see Him only with the help of moonlight. You can see God only through the rays of love.....

Don't worry about different names, God is omnipotent, omnipresence, omniscience and in all forms. Fear not that you are an outsider. Accept love into your heart, expand it, experience it, treat all as brothers and sisters. You are also onto the road to spiritual wealth and health.

What do you call yourself? 'I', isn't it? What do everybody call themselves? "I" too. Actually all the 'I" belongs to the same family, same embodiments of God. I is You, You is I, We belongs to the same creed, same origin and moves towards the same path, irrespective of different faith....

Love all beings as manifestations of the same divinity, that is the very core of yourself. Love all beings, that is more than enough.

from a divine source

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