
Monday, January 15, 2007

Healthy to choose?

Liquids make up at least 2/3 of our body fluids. It is of great importance and care that one needs to be replenished with quality waters safe for consumption. We need at least 8 glasses of clean and clear plain water everyday or more for those heavy sweaters. Never underestimate what plain water can do for us. Below are some tips on how to choose a safe drink....... all of us know it, just a reminder for all those health-conscious people.....

Tips on how to choose healthy drinks

[1] should be without artificial colors

[2] should be without artificial sweeteners

[3] should be without preservatives

[4] should be without artificial flavoring

[5] should not be too sweet

[6] should not be carbonated

[7] should be non-alcoholic

8] should be not too cold or hot

The above are the requisites of a drink or liquid that is best for normal consumption. That is plain water! If you don't agree, tell me what sort of drinks can be more safer? After going through the above points, we come back again to plain water. Plain water is still the best choice.

Plain water should be odorless, colorless, tasteless and without any pollutants, chemicals, sand and dirt, germs and any contaminants like heavy metals or even virus... but should contain the natural minerals that Mother Earth provides.

One should choose a filter that can produce clear water absent from the above contaminants but still contains natural minerals from Mother Earth. At the same time, not boiled because we need living water to keep us more lively and healthier. One shouldn't alter the water components nor add in anything. Plain, clean and clear water is all what we need to drink everyday.

What cannot be seen using our naked eyes doesn't mean that it is not in existence. Be always careful as NOT to drink contaminated waters that will cause epidemics. Prevention is so much more important than cure.

Plain water....plain water...too plain, no taste, not nice to drink! You always hear your children or even adults complaining about plain water being too plain. There are too much choice from cafe and supermarkets, and mum, all other people are drinking them, so why not us? That was what my children sometimes ask....

Well........Mothers...dear mothers at home, what drink are you giving to your kids? Do you ever give a second thought to what the drinks that you give to your kids might contain? Can you visualize what will become of your kids if they are constantly given those drinks?

I can stand up and say very proudly that my 5 children, ever since they were born to be strictly brought up with just plain water. Plain, clean and clear water, filtered water. They never complained though curious to know why.....

I will share with you, my friends how to make our plain water more tastier, nutritious and beneficial to our health in my next blog.......OUR MOTIVE...TO BE A HEALTHIER AND HAPPIER WINNER.......... stay tune, be right back...brb..

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