
Sunday, January 14, 2007

Our brain, use it for good purposes...

Our brains...yours and mine...all of us have brains... We have to have full control of our mind not the mind to control over us...

I used to jokingly share with my form 3 students..... whenever there is just any word or speech or expression irrelevant to our morals, I will tell them that it is 'baadd influence....' and they will be laughing away, emphasizing the word longer than usual. Yes, I can always recall vividly how Melvin, son of a doctor repeated after me and reminds the class as how to differentiate what is good and bad... 'bad influence!'

It is of great importance to recognize our roles in educating or sharing with our students or friends; and at the same time learning from our mentors or teachers. We give and receive. Knowledge is such that sometimes we teach, sometimes we learn. Teach what we know, learn what we don't! Sharpen our wits, use it or lose it. The more one uses our brain, the more lively it becomes... there is nothing to do with natural aging too...believe me..

Even a toddler can have a message to convey if one opens one's eyes and heart to see and to feel. We can learn how to stay happy and overcome stress and worries by laughing and giggling away.... just so very naturally....from a toddler!

We can also play with floating ducklings that squeals at our every squeezing in a bath tub filled with water and laughing away and joking with our kids and feeling so much at ease.... who says that we can't? Why shouldn't we? Or is it restricted only for the kids?

Well, some grownups are too serious in the learning process and thought that knowledge and wisdom only comes from thick books and from those very educated with 'tall' certificates. Can certificates or pieces of paper really measure or represent one's wisdom? Or should one stand still to let our knowledge be measured?

I have some very interesting topics that talks on multiple Qs. Multiples Qs that makes up one's success as a whole, and they cannot be represented in any certificates. Look at this, IQ + EQ + CQ + DQ + AQ + TQ + MQ + HQ + SQ = TOTAL SUCCESS. It includes Intelligence, Emotion, Creativity, Development, Adversity, Teamwork, Moral & Money, Health, Success & Spiritual Quotients. I will work out an online course when the students are ready to learn... soon.

Our mind is being programmed and installed every seconds, be it consciously or unconsciously. Even when one sleep or are in resting modes, our brains still continue to work for us. Can you believe me if I were to tell you that when I throw a question to my subconscious mind and sleep throughout the night and the answer revealed the instant I wake up the next morning? Hahaha... If you wills it, it will work for you too... So, one can imagine the power of the mind when in proper use. One should never underestimate the power of our mind when working hand in hand with positive emotions, especially love. Genuine or true love will bring forth miracles and wonders....resulting for the one who believed and now gotten.

Whatever our mind can conceive and believe, we can achieve.....

I often use this phrase to encourage my friends and distributors on how to achieve one's goals by having dreams first. Dreams of what they want in life and how one can improve one's life. There are rooms for improvements enough for everybody, yes for just anybody who are willing to discover and build the room... the size of the room, depending on the size of your brain...on how one use it...

Our mind is where we keep our acquired knowledge plus inner wisdom and accumulated for our daily use. Be aware of the brain which is double-edged with its sharpness. It can cut, it can mend, it can create, it can destroy. It depends on the degree of passion that controls our brain. When our mind is at its optimum negative, it destroys....When our state of mind is at its optimum positive, it creates... I also have a big diagram[I wonder how I can also put it into my blog, drawn with a double-edged sword that portrays the degrees of passion, how positives create and how negatives destroy]

Mind your words... mind your deeds... it comes from your mind. What one thinks will be revealed in words, expressions, body language or actions. There are at least 6o thousands thoughts passing through our brain for a normal intellect per day, thoughts once were just imaginations are things today. For great scientists and philosophers, great inventors and sages, their brains perhaps are being utilized more than a common man. But what surprises all of us is that these people are also just using a small fraction of their minds. The hidden floating ice-berg not in view cannot actually be measured or recorded in terms of capabilities and abilities. .

But think twice, what is the use of mastering all knowledge in this world but failed to listen to our hearts? And failed as a person without character or morale? And failed in what he or she desired or wanted in life? Our thoughts are plenty, our imaginations wild, but without a concentration of proper one-pointedness, no one can capture real success or creativity for total health and happiness. Beauty is in the doing of the correct things. Don't disregard inner conscience and venture into inhumane practises. Creation is useless and harmful when not doing things correct. Creations without morals are better never born or imagined..

Beware of the evil workshops in our mind. We are whom we think we are. Getting things done in a mean, unkind and selfish ways, doing things against the law of Life and Love, against Mother Nature, obtaining things against other's wishes, enforcing a law that forces one to accept 'black' as 'white', untruth as truth, building happiness on other's sufferings should not be allowed at the first place. That is the brain! Delete before it is too late! Crush them when it is still budding!

HOW? how to stay positive?

Program your brain with positives. Program your brain with useful, meaningful attributes to live as a happy human being should. We are no beasts nor animals. Reinstall with good ideas, seek happiness, seek confidence, seek faith, seek good people, keep in good company and refrain from getting infected with negatives. Ask, believe and receive...One can so easily tap these positive energies from everywhere..yes, from anywhere.....if.only when you choose to attain positives. Understand the law of harvest, you plant, you reap, you harvest. Plant, grow and 'nurse' a tree that bears the fruits of good virtues.

Love is expanding, love is enjoying, love is satisfying, love is comforting, love is fruitful, love is the noblest best positive emotion that will create even more love..... Love will be multiplied... Love will be the answer to all doubts, sorrows and challenges. Believe me..... Our cosmos, our in perfect harmony and works well because of this Divine Love, This is the Law of Attraction together with Law of life and the Law of Love. We are the embodiments of love, remember that we have this divine spark inside us, love...


- our mind stores Conscious and Subconscious thoughts


- inner beauty, intuition, the secret, happiness and hope can be revealed from what we think and thought


- never ever underestimate the capacity of our mind how much it can store and do... [if there is a will, there is a way!]


- our brain cells never die if you feed it with the appropriate fuel

We are whom we believe we are.....the choice is ours..... Live out a healthier and happier person, as one merely accepting the fact that you are the BEST!

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