
Wednesday, January 31, 2007

The heart-shaped house...YOU MUST READ!

Here is a story that I read when I was only 8 years old, and it means a lot to me and will be to many more ......

There was once upon a time, a nice, big luxurious house built in the shape of a heart on a hill top over looking a meandering stream which flows swiftly and alive with colorful, lively fishes. It was indeed a small paradise where one can hear rippling music of running clear waters, chirping friendly grasshoppers and fanciful, sweet singing birds. Not to forget butterflies, so colorful and flying gracefully amongst dragonflies in the blue skies.......

It was indeed such a peaceful and wonderful clean and green place, scented with aromatic flowers blosooming at its best. And those hardworking busy bees buzzling keeping the atmosphere so lively and lovely..... and not to forget those few black crickets resting in the gently swaying reeds enjoying free rides while the gentle breeze blows...whispering soothing comforting love stories to their youngs..........and relaxing in the laps of Mother Nature. Yes, to be so close to Mother Nature.

In this wonderful lovely house dwells the owner called Love and his wife Care. They have many kids with them, all living together. They are called Hope, Kindness, Luck, Faith, Happiness, Courage, Compassion, Trust, Patience, Persistence, Gratitude and Honesty. Well, a dozen or more of all these kids, their parents ever so happy and contented with what they have. They looked cheerful, healthy, happy, grateful and in love with each other.

One day, Compassion went out for a walk. He was accompanied with Hope. Soon they were walking into a street full of people. They were happily joking with each other before stopping for a drink in the inn. There they met Deceit who was also resting and eating in the inn. Deceit approached them and wanted to befriend them. Soon, they became friends.

From there on, they were friends. One day,their parents Love and Care were away for a week travelling. So, they invited Deceit to their home. Deceit who was homeless was thrilled and excited to be invited into such a luxurious and nice house. He told Compassion and Hope that he had other friends, many of them and that he would also like his friends to come. Compassion was a bit soft hearted, so he agreed that Deceit and his friends could come and live with them.

The next day, Deceit went out to invite many of his friends to come to live in the house on the hilltop overlooking the meandering stream...His friends were Greed, Envy, Hatred, Sorrow, Impatience, Unkind, Pride, Ego, Prejudice, Laziness, Anger and Lust. Soon, the happy place became a gambling den,with this gang of notorious barbarians who shouted and screamed at each other. The happy house was then in ruins, in corruption and was in a bad shape. The home was of no difference like living in hell.

Just then, Love and Care came back. They were surprised to see their lovely home, in a terrible mess. They were aghasted at what they saw. Instantly they called a meeting with their kids. Determined and wise, the family agreed to chase them all out. Yes, all of them should be chased out, not even one should stay. They agreed and had all of those negative emotions out of their house, including Deceit who regretted for bringing in all his friends. But, no one was spared.

The heart shaped house was soon restored and cleansed. Once more, the family could live as happily as they could.

Hell is where all negative emotions breed, heaven is where all positive emotions grows.

Message of this story: Our heart should be filled with love and positive emotions, when one allows negative emotions like deceit or anger into our heart, we will be living with pain and troubles. Be cleansed and be strict as not to allow 'them' to come into our sacred house. A house who dwells Divinity should be swept clean without 'dirt'.

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